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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. Kyougi


    But it's an official answer from an Admin
  2. The PSOne is only ten years old. Atari 2600 > all.
  3. Classic misconception. In terms of speed, Internet Explorer is faster than Firefox. http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/browserSpeed.html#winspeed
  4. Kyougi


    The only other way you can get Helions is if someone gives them to you.
  5. Kyougi

    Forum Upgraded

    Just bear with us, the store mod upgrade needs to be completed, it seems.
  6. All it is, is a mobo that is capable of running two of Intel's quad cores. It's almost absolutely useless too. Most games are only designed for one core. In the near future, games will be designed for two. The most ideal amount of cores for a game is three. Eight takes too much time and money to code for and it will have processing power that it doesn't need. Something like this is really only for servers or extremely cpu-intensive tasks such as rendering 3D animations, compiling code, or encoding files, things which the general population does not need. This is nothing, anyways. Intel already has an 80 core proof of concept that will release in 2010.
  7. A web-based calender is still not portable unless you decide on accessing it from a remote PC. A portable handheld such as a PDA or a cell phone should already have a calender out-of-the-box. With consoles, no one has won anything. It's way too early to determine anything. And with all that other Google vs MS crap, that's spam. FINED.
  8. Wow, someone actually asked that? You gotta be pretty far back on this kinda stuff to not know that it's open source, meaning free.
  9. Kyougi

    $100 Accumulated!

    Speaking of necromancing, you're fined for doing so.
  10. It needs to be: MsgBox ("Welcome" & TxtName.Text) As for editing text files, I don't know. vB sucks anyways. The least you should go is vB.NET.
  11. It's all right, but they don't set up domains for unestablished sites.
  12. No, not right now. XP uses less resources and has better compatibility than Vista.
  13. That would really be the best way, since it's not using up your CPU clock, however, not all PCs support that.
  14. Highly overrated game. Good, but highly overrated. Also, I prefer realistic shooters. Cheat codes can be found on a lot of Halo: CE sites.
  15. 'o course, except that MSO is superior to OOo in visuals, though OOo's menus make more sense
  16. I told him, hopefully he acts before it dies
  17. Lawl, you clicked on it? Gotta be pretty dumb to try an unknown link on a Windows box. Also, you DO realize I need to sleep, correct? I've been deleting bot spam for almost half a year now, it's impossible to stop. CATCHPA is bypassed through low-paid workers and IP bans are bypassed through proxies. I suggested that new accounts under a post limit and guests cannot post links, djbob is looking into it.
  18. GIMP, Photoshop, Paint Pro, and Fireworks are the only ones I care about that has a magic wand tool.
  19. No, it's just been deadly silent. Period. Help out, start submitting HN to top-rank free webhosts
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