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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. Hah, you took it out of the store, but it's still accessible
  2. I've been trying to contact djbob to add that to the guide, because it is outdated. He considers it spam. The Spam Guide will be amended as soon as djbob can be reached. It doesn't take much time to find a random article online and plagerize them, not even adding a source link. That builds up though, with your 500+ post being that, with no one caring. Cease and desist. You have been warned.
  3. Please don't just copy and paste stuff from another site, especially without a source. I know that djbob is against it. 92% of your post is this spam. I'm going to have to talk to djbob.
  4. Yes, you DO suck at making skins
  5. That's up to djbob, I really don't know.
  6. Oh, it relieves stress and anger
  7. There is more info that djbob needs, such as address and contact info to place into the domain to register it properly. I forget what, so he should comment sometime. It comes out as roughly 42 extra posts a month to keep a domain going, so on top of hosting, you only need roughly two posts a day to keep your hosting and domain going
  8. Mandriva also has integrated 3D effects now, whee. Looks amazing.
  9. Not bad, my laptop has about the same, other than it's a 17" LCD screen, DVD-RAM, no flash memory drives (though I have a USB one for 5 dollars), and an ATI Card, forget which one.
  10. PHP, C#, C/C++, Python, a bit of Perl, a bit of Java, a bit of Delphi, a bit of Basic, a bit of D++. HTML is a markup language, and CSS is probably the same .
  11. I don't see the point of Google Calender. A local calender would be fine.
  12. People's time is money, though ironically, the people that made it don't usually get a cut.
  13. Power would be honored, if he were around here. He worked pretty hard on it.
  14. Oh, yes, forgot about this. djbob needs to set the forwarding from the index, but he's too lazy to get around to it
  15. w00p Well, the service is great. I've been here for a while, and i've only really had problems once, when the site was in the middle of a server change. You won't be dissapointed by Helionet
  16. In Iraq, the people there like Osama more than Bush. I believe we've launched more than enough Daisy Cutters to kill him, wherever he's hiding.
  17. Nope, I've never touched the IBStore source. djbob is an expert with it though.
  18. Yes, but you'll need to do some coding work on your own. It shouldn't be too hard, just switch out some variables.
  19. Kyougi

    IBStore ALPHA I

    No difference, only that it's slightly more buggy and works with IPB Version 2.1.7.
  20. Yeah, no. I don't see myself ever using Office 2K7. Waste of HDD space. I'm fine with OpenOffice.
  21. RC1 (current version) is pretty stable and fast. It's only a bit of time before they give it the final title.
  22. Why not just Linux vs. FreeBSD. I hate Fedora Core and FreeBSD equally.
  23. If you use dialup in the modern age, you'll be shot, or live in the middle of nowhere.
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