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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. Ahaha, that's the funniest thing I've heard this morning. Most people can use Dreamweaver in their sleep. Even some of the morons at my school can use it. If we're talking specialists, Notepad is what you should use. Awesomejoe, a GOOGLE SEARCH on the program that I mentioned wouldn't hurt, you lazy person. But this one has features such as collapsable tags (such as hide everything under a <div> tag if you're not touching it) and a "Preview in Browser" shortcut
  2. While most end-users use PHP, the majority of corporation use ASP. It's great that it's easy to learn, but if it comes out useless if you're going to be doing it for a living, what's the point, 'eh?
  3. Y'know, we should probably ban everyone that says they support piracy. You people keep sticking warez on our servers.
  4. Lmao, no, the download of full content is always illegal. Torrent sites just use a loophole so that they can host said illegal torrents, though, supposedly they can't be sued/brought down because they're "not associated". That hasn't stopped giant corporations in the past.
  5. Nah, Java is the most different from the other languages.
  6. Most people are liberals, in my area. People have become more independent. People no longer have to make extensive contact with other people. Because of this, people become apathetic. It's understandable. More like an ant farm.
  7. Wrong, as statistics dictate, the vast majority of people were always Christian in the past. Wrong again, you're just talking about the loudest and stupidest of Christians, the fundamentalists. orly?
  8. Conservative/Fundamentalist Christians are morons. Always trying to force people to their religion regardless of other's belief. There is no respect, no love, no kindness, only hypocracy. Sure, they go out of their way to help people, but they go out of the way to also help people who do not want to be helped, people that don't believe in exactly what they believe, people of other religions. Thanks guys for telling me that I'll go to hell! I'll see you there too! Generally, liberals are better than this. Liberal Christians don't put up the same crap as Fundamentalists. And about the bible, we have no proof that it was originally created to control people, however, the Roman Catholic church in the past re-wrote God-knows-how-many parts in the past to do so.
  9. Bush has mixed opinions. Generally, anyone smart enough to use a computer hates Bush. Bush has done nothing but push our nation to bankruptcy. Our US national debt is nearing nine trillion. Our dollar isn't even worth a dollar. Vote third party.
  10. Lifeless People isn't for everybody. They're nazis sometime.
  11. At least use an advanced syntax highlighter. Assuming you use windows, Notepad++ is the best for the job. All it is, is a text editor with syntax highlighting, as well as several other features, for HTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript, Basic, C++, etc. That is what I prefer to use. However, whenever I go into a professional setting with multiple people, Dreamweaver and sometimes Frontpage is almost always a requirement. Dreamweaver has never added random things whenever I've used it, however, but it's easier to get XHTML 1.1-compliant code that is compatible across browsers by hand.
  12. No, I'm pretty sure LifelessPeople is better.
  13. I use XHTML 1.1 as the markup, JavaScript for client-side, and PHP for server-side. Hmm? I don't know what you're using, but I've never had a problem with WYSIWYG editors when forced to.
  14. It'll be fixed when djbob moves the server.
  15. Yes, but the forum is uber active. It's not hard to get 1000 of their points a month.
  16. No. Hollow, don't you like LifeLessPeople, the host? If so, haven't you known that they do it by that system? Why then are you opposed to it? Honestly, I'd like it. However, we all know djbob is too lazy to do it Just answering for him >_<
  17. Auto-Hotkey is nice, especially since it's compatible with Auto-IT. Finally, someone has sense
  18. I do. My first PC was fairly new, had both the 5.25" and 3" floppies, one CD drive (added later on)
  19. Aero can be turned off. Aero only kicks in when you're switching desktops and fancy transparency, glass, or other effects. Now, as for reasons to switch. It doesn't matter if you are careful, blah blah. It's easier if you just switch. You don't need an AV clogging up your system resources and cautiousness taking up your time.
  20. You said you're a webmaster. You need IE7 to see if it displays correctly.
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