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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. Flash is fine for flat shading and animation. That's not always the case, though. Fireworks is like Photoshop for the Web. You get a range of different tools such as image slicing and optimization settings.
  2. Linux servers don't need to fully reboot, unless it's to finish an upgrade, or in rare instances, crashes. Quit thinking in Windows terms
  4. The battles sucked. Giant metal monkies rolling around on the ground. Nothing like the (good) cartooon battles. A bunch of flashy effects, s'all.
  5. Depends on the distro. OpenSUSE has a pretty flashy KDE skin preinstalled, along with the Vista start-menu ripoff and Beryl. And that's why Windows still controls the vast majority of the marketshare. A Google search or a search on the Ubuntu forums would of told you that all you have to do is open Synaptic (a program), pick a program you want to install, and install it. If it's an install script, you just go along with what it says.
  6. It actively uses? My my, someone's gotta call the cops on 'em.
  7. The 'For Dummies' series only provides a weak base in programming languages that you can get from any online tutorial for free. If you're actually willing to shell out money for a programming book, you might as well get a REAL programming book.
  8. There's a difference. People go to sites for content, while the majority of people use OSes for the same things, Email/Web/Games. The majority of people will want it lookin' spiffy 'cuz they don't want to be 'zomgz fugly' when they do their routine stuff.
  9. You can buy an Intel Mac and triple boot OSes.
  10. Kyougi

    Ad Hosting!

    My my, how the time flies by.
  11. Java isn't as simple as point-n-click to create something. You'll have to learn how to program it.
  12. I recommend whatever works good for you. Doesn't mean I won't trash it Ubuntu get's a lot of bad rap from the Debian community 'cuz it doesn't abide by Debian's fork guidelines.
  13. Use something that minimizes to the icon tray.
  14. If you want to stream music to your laptop, just set up a streaming music server. You can access it via your LAN IP with any player capable of streaming music. For audio in general, same thing, but with a streaming audio server.
  15. RC1 was fine. What I said above is what a release canidate is. Things rarely come as bug-free, anyways.
  16. Final Fantasy has no true sequels, minus X-2. Every new game, however, all they do is up the graphics. The system hasn't changed much at all and I'm tired of it. Final Fantasy XII did away with random battles and transitions to the battle sequences (this should of been standardized a long time ago since SE's Chrono Trigger did it) and added the 'License Board' to leveling. However, they're just small upgrades to what was done in the past and is still repetative. Hopefully, Square Enix will freshen up the Final Fantasy series soon.
  17. Just as many people hate Fedora Core as they do Ubuntu. It's all about preference. They're both bloatware-for-dummies to me, anyways.
  18. PHPBB3 RC2 shouldn't have any bugs and be completely stable. It's a release candidate, after all. Just install it the real way, rather than with Fantastico.
  19. Glossy is the new black. Linux might be a nerdy technical OS, but it's trying to market itself as a desktop. It'll need the glitz and glamor to pull people in.
  20. It's 600 USD and carrier-locked to Cingular. I'd rather get a smart phone + PS3.
  21. If you upload anything that breaks our Terms of Service, your account is suspended without question. If you have not wait for djbob to reactivate your account.
  22. Vista = bloatware. I'm tired of their Halo 2 PC lies.
  23. If the source is viewable and editable, the source is open.
  24. Yeah, it's a free online game and you can download it from Ijji's website.
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