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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. Opera's been around for a lot longer time, back in the days of Netscape. The only things I have against Firefox is that: 1) It uses the bloated Gecko engine 2) Extensions cause memory leaks extremely easy 3) Mozilla claims it to be free, but enforces their trademark harshly. Firefox is not truely free.
  2. Opera can do both user JavaScript and user CSS without plugins. Opera's extensions are lackluster compared to the amount of extensions available for Firefox, but at least they don't memory-leak all over the place.
  3. I don't enjoy complete strangers making out in public. Period.
  4. Kyougi

    Progress on Plans

    All your base are belong to us.
  5. Depends on what you would like to do. There are a range of languages suited for different areas of work.
  6. Kyougi


    Sorry, I don't speak stupid. I fine people for speaking in languages I can't understand. Seriously now, 'k'? I thought that 'k' was just a letter.
  7. Kyougi


    Ahem, "that's awesome!" and "this is the best thing ive ever seen" are plentiful. It's nice if you have a lot of opinions, but that's just spam. A post like that has no substance at all. Then, you lack reading comprehension. There are several rules that you break in those posts, including, but not limited to: Irrelevant post, topics that don't mean anything or don't ask a question, post that doesn't contribute, and unnecessary bumping (necromancing). A spam post is not defined by how many words it contains, rather, by the amount of content in it. You can have hundreds of words without any content at all. It's a built-in feature in the board. We're not going to go and restrict people from posting a million times a second, but that doesn't guarentee that we won't fine you. We're happy if you post a lot, it's just that your posts need to have depth, or else I'll be pissed.
  8. It's the same install client. Doesn't matter if you've bought it or not.
  9. I already said it before, they're completely different games.
  10. Probably not as funny. It'll be hard to follow who is what and how they are like. There are many jokes that are only funny if you've watched the TV show.
  11. Repetative is right. You train, level up, get new equipment, go back to training, get _slightly_ better equipment, and go back to training. The quests are medeocre when it comes to rewards as well.
  12. That was the way with the old license. Mark was not responsible for game content made with Game Maker, however, the difference is that he did not own all of our content. In the new license, it clearly states that anything made with Game Maker 7 is the property of YoYo. If some idiot makes a gory pornographic game that's commercial and sold to minors, YoYo owns it.
  13. Fedora Core. It's pretty much just a corporate distribution that runs along the same lines of Ubuntu.
  14. Debian has long spans between stable updates as it's ment as a server OS. Same goes with Slackware. It also has a horrid init system, which Ubuntu is based off. However, that doesn't make that bad as a desktop. Another one I'd recommend is Zenwalk. It's a step below the ones I mentioned before, but still a step above moron-land.
  15. Then what is? Slackware, ArchLinux, Gentoo, Debian, and many others. They are what Linux is all about, freedom and customizability. Ubuntu fails at this as you are limited in configuration.
  16. Nothing really special, you've been able to do this in Firefox for ages. The key trigger search is an old-age feature from Opera which also exists as a Firefox plugin. It's not that you could never do this with another browser, is that you never bothered to check out the alternatives.
  17. He means "yeah" but he typed it "yah". Lucky for him, grammar =/= spelling.
  18. Oh, okay... but is it still in BETA or is it complete? It's in beta. Safari likes to randomly crash, though.
  19. I don't prefer Ubuntu. It's always worth a try though, since it's free. Real Linux is better for older PCs, however, Ubuntu isn't real Linux . Try running it through virtualization software.
  20. Really? Isn't it also just one dual-layered DVD disc as well?
  21. Safari has a lot of annoying little things, such as no middle-click scroll. It's worthless to me though, there's no Linux port.
  22. You say it's lame, yet you've never tried it. That alone invalidates any argument you make. However, I'll be cool and point out one other thing. Maple Story: One, came out before World of Warcraft. Two, does not even resemble World of Warcraft. Three, has a different play style and audience than World of Warcraft. Four, both looks and plays more like the old Wonderboy series on the Genesis. Sorry, but you've failed. If anything, it's a MMO Wonderboy wannabe.
  23. The Game Maker Language is not a programming language. Anyways, Mark merged with YoYo Games. The result is a more restricted license basically saying that YoYo Games owns everything you make.
  24. It's a social game, which is why it bores the hell out of me. I don't play games for talking to moronic people I'll never meet, I play them for storyline. It was on Fox News the other day. It's surprising how much people will pay to buy little temporary accessories on a free game.
  25. Sure, let's make a 100 hour game. That way, we can fill the entire disc. Of course Blu-Ray is outselling HD-DVD. They count PS3s in the count.
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