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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. Back in 2000, we gave him nothing. He lost the popular vote by more than half a million votes. Don't you think there are protests every day? We just don't cover it anymore 'cuz it ain't workin'.
  2. The answer's in the edit. You posted before I was done.
  3. It's enough to give people concussions which could lead to death.
  4. Flashy and counter-efficient. MSOffice has always had bad menus setups to begin with. There is so little I want out of a word processor or spreadsheet application and a counter-revolutionary interface isn't part of it.
  5. I have multiple inputs for my TV. No messing with wires. So, there's really no use. It won't drop, it hasn't even technically dropped. The 100 dollar drop is a limited deal. The 60GB model has been discontinued. If you get it too late, you'll once again be stuck with the 600 dollar PS3. @Tbone, I don't care about a Blu-ray player, I have a PC media center with HDMI outputs. If I wanted a Blu-ray or HD-DVD drive, I'll get one for a few hundred bucks or so.
  6. How gross. I have stumbed apon sites that use ActiveX, it's just that I don't need any of it. Of course FF is more secure. The less common something is, generally, the more secure it is.
  7. Two things, one, it's hard as hell to immigrate legally, two, they only get the crappy jobs that you don't want.
  8. Y'know, global warming itself only accounts for 1 degree celcius of warmth. You realise that that one degree isn't going to magically make trees appear, especially since it's very many degrees under the freezing point in the artic. Southern winds or warm currents would make much more sense, but oh no, let's not listen to that. Blame it all on human-induced global warming. Yep.
  9. Five hundred dollars for a PS3 is still two hundred more dollars than a basic 360 system.
  10. Really? Never happened to me.
  11. Shoulda noticed this spam-trap earlier, CLOSED.
  12. I got a 404 error when i went to that site But yeah <center> before the table tag and </center> after the table tag Ooh, nice, let's ignore W3C standards, eh? Add style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;" to your <table> tag, that'll center it.
  13. Thank you for the copy and paste. [/sarcasm] We have rules against that, y'know. Pretty funny, though.
  14. The textures change depending on how far away you are. As you get closer, the textures and models get more detailed. Realize that both the XBox360 and the PS3 have yet to show their true potential.
  15. Lol, yep, yep, just take a look at the Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockbox Has MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 support, though, IMHO, that's really no worth 'cuz you are forced to convert your video into that format.
  16. No, they didn't. Gigabeats are good, especially if you replace the firmware with RockBox. Ogg ftw.
  17. Stability, security, and faster provided you have the hardware required. It's 100% compatible with most games and applications. Sorry if that's not good enough for you Pretty XP+Security+Stability=Vista Y'know, that's actually what people said about XP migrating from Windows 98SE, back in the day. Look at what you're running now. Yeah, it does what all the other systems do and caches memory for faster loading. Aero is rather inefficient. Contrary to popular belief, 3D desktops are not supposed to take up that much resources. I can run Compiz-Fusion in Linux with 256MB of RAM and an onboard 64MB Intel graphics chipset, with it only taking around 5MB of RAM. They do it Ubuntu-style. If you need to do something with root access in Ubuntu, you need to gain root access temporarily. This method of doing things is more secure. Say, a virus is trying to go through and corrupt your files. The virus can only corrupt your user files and leaves the rest of your system intact in which you can recover what's left easily. Vista uses UAC to do the same thing as Ubuntu does, as it asks if it's okay, and for that moment, you gain Administrative access if you would like to run it. That's how it works. But, if you prefer convienence over security like most Windows users, you can turn off UAC, or downgrade to XP. I'd be better for you guys to actually switch OSes instead of crying devil while lining the beast's pockets.
  18. Not to mention MMZX, Battle Network, Star Force, MMX: Command Mission, and the two console Anniversary Collections containing MM1-8 and MMX1-6. Mega Man has never left Nintendo. I hated the Sonic vs. Mario rivalry. It spawned utter crap in the form of fangames and animations. There's no reason to put Sonic in, as he was neither born nor spend his early years on a Nintendo system. Every character up 'till now has been born on a Nintendo system, minus Snake, who's first debut was on the MSX home PC, his second game being ported to the NES which started his career as a console stealth person.
  19. Hence quicker loading times when an HDD is present. I'd take an XBox360's load time without an HDD over the PS3's load times without installing any day. How's the lack of an HDD relate to worse textures? ...and that model's (60GB HDD) been discontinued, yay! Gotta love how Sony's dropped two models in less than a year. Guess the darned thing is still a work in progress.
  20. Screw your resolution, it's half the screen in 1280x1024.
  21. Elivmar, I disagree. If you go to a book movie and expect the movie to be true to the book, you'll most likely be disappointed. However, on it's own, those movies are usually pretty good. Hey, that's what I said, but reworded
  22. Firefox has extensions for everything. That's Firefox's ONLY strength.
  23. What forum in the right mind would just pick up a random person off the internet and put them into a staff position? It's just not sane.
  24. Kyougi


    ... You didn't see an intro thread because you didn't even try to look for one. It's a stickied thread in THIS forum category. You didn't even use the search function that's standard in every forum board.
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