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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. My favorite game, at the moment, would have to be Maverick Hunter X for the PSP.
  2. People just refuse to learn, it doesn't matter how old you are. My typing style's the same as it was four years ago, s'all good.
  3. How are we on 1596 when there's only 1102 posts in this thread? 1597
  4. Hah, ActiveX? I runs teh Linux, there's no running ActiveX anyways. I haven't seen a site yet that requires a Firefox plugin. I've never seen the sense in running a GTK browser in a QT environment, so I don't bother keeping it around.
  5. Pool's closed... Habbo Hotel is a social game. Social game. It's much more interesting to get a life.
  6. I prefer Opera anywhere, on any OS. I only use Konqueror when too lazy to open the browser
  7. Kyougi


    Even if you post 25 posts in an hour, it's not like you can get a hosting account anyways. It takes a week on a new forum account to be able to sign up for a hosting account. The problem is that the ones attracted to free hosting is generally the younger audience. Older people are able to pay the cheap for a basic hosting plan. I was talking to djbob, and he said he'd like Helionet to be more like Lifeless People, but we all know that ain't going to happen
  8. I deleted the post and account. It's the way for all free post-for-host.
  9. djbob doesn't do much regarding to rules besides making them.
  10. Lawlercop... deleted and banned... He had a point though, don't backseat mod O_o
  11. Oh, right, it was http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/ Good stuff there.
  12. There was that one really good conspiracy film, but I forget the name of it.
  13. It's not racist, just prejudice, as most people from non-English-native-speaking usually have poor grammar, and karath has really poor grammar. If you want rude, here you go: Take your head out of your ass.
  14. Impossible. There's no impeaching Bush and Cheney when so many corrupt politicians exist.
  15. Quoting the edit on this post... thats too funny. Which of you mods posted that. Secondly, the programs is not a virus, I use Novell. Its an ok program, but explorer.exe lol is if not just as good, better. What other person is on? In some anti-viruses, it comes up as a keyhook, s'all, and it's supposed to. If your antivirus doesn't report keyhooks, I suggest you get a new one.
  16. And I'm tired of people repeating it where it doesn't matter. Join the people protesting at D.C. It's not like you're going to be able to sway corrupt politicians ayways.
  17. The ending was fine. It's perfectly good
  18. djbob doesn't like closing topics. Feel free to share.
  19. Vista just lacks drivers. Other than that, it's the most stable Windows up-to-date.
  20. Nothing new, done before. It's a just large multi-touch screen (and a very expensive one to boot) with some interface software that feeds into the crap that is Microsoft's Windows NT kernel.
  21. Movies are the same as they always been, except with fancier effects and things of the sort. You've just grown out of them.
  22. Skins? Brushed steel is the best. My favorite thing about iTunes is that it uses an AWESOME amount of resources.
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