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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. Either pretend to be stupid, tell others to go away, or suck it up.
  2. Nice. I wish I had that much space to waste.
  3. Thank goodness we didn't pull out of WWII.
  4. Right, DIFFERENT. Instead of installing just ONE blog that feeds in RSS, you install hundreds of blogs with several sub-subdomains. Oh, you called me a dirty word. I'm going to go off and cry like you do. [/sarcasm] Yeah, it creates content-stealing blogs, not content. You're right.
  5. And I answered you multiple times already. This is the internets. I laugh whenever someone takes an insult to heart. I don't know PHP either, and I'm completely sure that I can edit it to get it to work. I have perfect motivation to call you an idiot. I don't like your kind here (people that try to abuse a free service to get money by breaking the terms of service of another service). MORE: SIETE STUPIDI. Yeah, stealing content is "work". It's not the same work as the real work that those who actually create their own stuff that you're stealing from through their RSS feeds. Make up your own stupid content. So, when you ask for support, guy, LISTEN! For the x3 "situation", I already said on multiple posts that it's possible. However, you have repeatedly fail to listen. That makes you what you are, a moron. Go find another host to rip off of. Here's a present before you leave: http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/youare
  6. Everyone in this thread will eventually upgrade to Vista unless they start using other OSes. All your complaining is for naught.
  7. Hi! I'm an idiot! I'll post on an old thread saying hi to someone with only one post! Fine me!
  8. Everything published is copyrighted. So, if you take it in that sense without permission, then you're violating international copyright laws. Anyways, this kind of stuff violates the Adsense Terms of Service and many other ToS from other ad services. Scammers are lamers. No problem. What other kind person would buy useless scripts for 150USD? Ain't my guidelines, they're djbob's. I'll fine myself to make you happy. You submitted a help request and we answered it. No, we're not downgrading cPanel for one person and yes, you can do something. I even gave you a pro-tip-elite for what to do in the future, that is, to know what you're doing. You've just failed to listen to all of my suggestions. I guess I should make a tutorial or something like you asked. TUTORIAL: OPEN SCRIPTS IN NOTEPAD. EDIT THEM. THE END. Please note that you should find yourself another webhost. I WILL report you to Adbrite if/when you get the script to work.
  9. Don't worry about it, he's just an idiot trying to get rich quick. http://rsstoblog.com/R2BMI/
  10. What sensible person's going to downgrade CPanel just 'cuz someone's too lame to edit the paths in the script they bought? Pro-tip: Open up the scripts and edit every path and change it to X3. Pro-tip2: Make backups before editing. Pro-tip-elite: Never use scripts that require CPanel and never buy them unless you know what you're doing.
  11. DDR fell out of the spotlight because it required too much activity. Guitar Hero took it's place as a popular rhythm-based game. Lazy people, seriously.
  12. Oh-ho-ho. Two GB per level. How many levels will Killzone 2 have, two? One level is actually split into ten sections? I'm going to love the load times for that, especially since the Blu-Ray drive speed is actually slower than a standard DVD drive. Guess you could "install" the game into the HDD, but that still wouldn't help as much because you're loading 2 GB. As for the poly detail, that doesn't mean anything. I've worked with 3D models for years now and even highly detailed models aren't THAT big. It's several arrays of verticies making triangles or quads stored into a normal text format that the game engine interprets. The PS2 was the weakest last-generation machine, on top of that. Now, extremely detailed textures is another thing. THOSE things get big. However, music and pre-rendered videos are what take up more space than the standard model+textures. I wouldn't doubt that the 2GB they talk about is either their pre-rendering level set or the combination of music and pre-rendered footage. We'll have to see. I might as well stop making long and content-full posts, because people here fail to deliver the same amount back or even acknowlege the info that proves them wrong. Gotta love fanboydom.
  13. And? Who the hell is going to need 50GB of space for one movie at 1080p? 10GB is enough for a standard movie. Of course Blu-ray is going to win if things continue the way it is. HD-DVD doesn't have a chance since Blu-Ray is being cannoned with the PS3s. That doesn't put HD-DVD completely out the picture because there's always a possibility that they'd make a comeback. I'm against Blu-Ray not because Sony's pushing it, however, it's the lesser of the two evil formats. Blu-Ray has stronger DRM protection scheme. Not only that, we as the consumers will pay the price for the DVD presses having to be modified or replaced. It's been shown in the past that DRM not only doesn't stop piracy (rather, slow it down), it strips the rights of the consumer. I want my backups. More importantly, I want my frakking movies/music to play on my Linux PC. At least we have a somewhat easy time with HD-DVD. Blu-Ray's public/private key scheme makes it extremely hard to do anything with.
  14. You're so wrong that I should ban you on the spot. Again, as a bigot, you're making biased claims you take as facts. BOTH of your statements are wrong. Lemme show you why. 1) Quality does not equal quantity. Right now, Blu-Ray players can only output at a maximum of 1080p. Also, at this point of time, HD-DVD players can only output at a maximum of, get this, a maximum of 1080p. Even if we achieve the next HD resolution and start marketing that (though it's unlikely to happen in the near future because 1080p is already a very high resolution for the average big screen), HD-DVD will still have enough storage space. 2) My math must be off. I didn't realize that twenty-five divided by two is greater than fifteen, because that's the storage space of Blu-Ray and HD-DVD.
  15. Better question, "How many dead Americans was Hitler worth before we discovered Auschwitz?" (Quote Me, 2007 forum post, HelioNet)
  16. Blu-Ray is a disc format. High definition is high definition. Fanboys need to be purged. Seriously.
  17. It's graphics capabilities are closer to the XBox. The graphics that current games have for the Wii match up to the GameCube's graphics. The GameCube was more powerful than the PS2. Inaccuracies such as this only augment your status of fanboydom. It's obvious you make these claims based on Wii Sports. How about I make a baseless fact that the PS3's graphical abilities only matches the XBox 360's from comparing the ports of games such as Call of Duty 3 and Armored Core 4 to each other? It's also obvious that you run with the generation of people that believe the only thing that "advances" a system should be graphics and that the system's power determines what generation the system is in. Thankfully, I was one of the few born after the Atari generation of gaming that was able to escape from this ideology. Graphics aren't the world. The longest I've played it is roughly five hours with ten other people. Seriously. Bet you haven't even sat down and actually played the Wii with some friends, bigot.
  18. Yeah, and how much does Firefox take up after prolonged use, 200MB? Of course 448MB would be enough to accommodate for leaks.
  19. Jackie Chan's too old. This is easily the worst Rush Hour.
  20. On the other side, they hate it when people feel that theories are some sort of proven thing, and that scientists are completely flawless. You have two people defending what they believe and none can prove the other wrong. THAT, my friends, is what I call stupidity. Morons.
  21. Yeah, faith is a subjective thing. Personally, as long as you don't try to push your faith on to others that don't want to hear it, I'm cool with whatever you worship.
  22. Kyougi

    Yo Yo Yo

    I usually can spot out good and bad members just by where they put their introduction post. Welcome.
  23. Two words, media center. Convienence at it's best. Why watch videos on a 20" monitor when you can watch them on a 50" HDTV? On top of that, you can actually kick off the rest of your media center. Good bye CD player, radio, and VCD/DVD combo. All you need is a 360 hooked up to a stereo system and a TV. A modded XBox makes as a better media center, though
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