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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. I'M YELLING REALLY LOUD, FINE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111
  2. Higher than average? More like higher than higher than average Business is cool, though.
  3. O to the contrary, who would program the robots? You would essentially take over the job of all of those people. I ment if I were a doctor, nurse, or a law enforcer. A friend of mine works for an oil company and makes $60,000 a year in an entry-level job with no formal experience O_o.
  4. Like I said before, the mid-range salary is $70,000. Might be under a six digit salary, but still comforable living. The average US salary was around $35,000 back in 2002. It's probably grown to at most $40,000. My parents make $60,000 combined salary. I'd be making more than both of them. Most OSes like Mac OS X are Unix or Unix-like. Unless computers program themselves, there will be a need for programmers, especially at the rate which technology is progressing. Unix itself was the first operating system. The babies it's spawned are gaining computer marketshare. It's more likely that we'll be using Unix and Unix-based OSes in the future than anything else. What if doctors, nurses, and law enforcement are all relpaced with robots and the such? Then I'd be out of a job
  5. So? Just, ignore, the, commas, in, the, wrong, spot. So, it adds on.
  6. There's nothing wrong with a software engineer's wage. The starting salary for a green software engineer is around $40,000 and grows to be around $70,000 with experience. $40,000 is already a middle-class wage in the US. The top-level software engineers have six digit salaries. $70,000 might not be that much compared to business and medical, but it's more than comfortable living. I'm currently in college working torwards a Computer Science degree. My dream job would be developing software for UNIX-based systems.
  7. Have you tested with other browsers? I do exactly what you do as it's insanely obvious. When I click on the "Signup" button in either Firefox or Opera, I get the error in the attached screenie. EDIT: In IE, it works fine. In Opera, I get what's in the screenie. In Firefox, I get that the item does not exist. How inconsistent.
  8. He wanted to make a new hosting account. djbob: Your signup script is broken. When you try to create a new hosting account, it says that I left the username space blank.
  9. The interest button is available exactly 24 hours after you press it.
  10. I always thought that was pretty clear. Guess not.
  11. That's amazing considering how most top-line HDDs can only transfer at a maximum rate of 400MB/s. What a waste.
  12. You're a cheater. You unsuspended yourself.
  13. Your account has been suspended for one hour.
  14. 30 degree Celsius. That's about 86 degrees Fahrenheit.
  15. This is your last warning. If you continue to use bad grammar and spelling, I will suspend you.
  16. You're a third; you incorrectly used a comma. That situation called for a semicolon, as commas cannot join two full sentences. Not that I care, but I had to mention it You're the fourth; you used the incorrect article. That situation called for the use of the definite article rather than the indefinite. I certainly am not a third of myself. It's not that I care, but I had to mention it.
  17. It's not like he would really care, though. He has an ad account :/
  18. Two can play that game, you misspelled 'mis-spelled'.
  19. Sweetness, someone here gets it. Nintendo has brought a new style of control every generation, minus the GC (analog shoulder buttons were done by Sega first, you might count integrated rumble pack), and the Wii is no exception. The NES introduced the D-Pad, SNES introduced shoulder buttons, N64 introduced the analog stick and rumble pack, and now the Wii has motion sensitive controls. It's just their trend. The Wii's graphics might be last generation, but so was the NES's graphics. The NES had 8-bit graphics while the Genesis sported 16-bit and 32-bit with the 32x. The PS3 doesn't have a good title to it yet, but the XBox 360 has some nice ones. In the RPG category, it has Blue Dragon and Lost Colony (which were created by the man who created the Final Fantasy series).
  20. Most community colleges don't have Bachelor's degree plans. They only go to Associate's since Bachelor's degrees require more specialized education. You're right about the higher level degrees, though.
  21. You don't need good graphics to tell which is which. I could have black boxes for my team and red boxes for the other team and I can tell between them just fine. As long as there's a discernable jersey difference, there's no need for it.
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