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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. None of those exist for Vista mainstream, yet. However, there are plenty of them for XP and lower. Aero is not the only addition to Vista, neither is it the most important.
  2. You had to get a semi-new PC to run XP as well. See how that turned out. Vista is far from vulnerable to viruses, please check your facts.
  3. The person themself pays around 20 USD to earn a credit. They then pass it on to other people. It ISN'T nothing, the site giving things away for free gets 300~500 USD for something they only pay 250 USD for.
  4. The last two depends on your video card.
  5. Had my first computer was when I was five or six. A Windows 3.11 it was.
  6. I haven't seen any flaws in IE7 other than the interface and half-assed rendering engine.
  7. What? DOS was never secure or stable O_o
  8. No? It'll disable your Vista if you have an illegal copy of it, though.
  9. I prefer mplayer for Videos and AmaroK for music. mplayer supports everything Windows Media Player does and-then-some, while AmaroK has some pretty slick features.
  10. NoScript, All-In-One Gestures, and Adblock Plus are my favorites.
  11. djbob already answered that question in this topic.
  12. Did you even click on the site? It's a macro editor.
  13. I don't know why people recommend MX. MX sucks compared to 8.
  14. Kyougi

    Forums Reordered

    Customers can already help in the customer help section
  15. I was being a bit sarcastic. What I was saying was that security isn't really be a factor in picking Firefox, since there are other browsers that are more secure. As for sites not loading, I've never encountered a site I couldn't load on one browser, that I couldn't load on another, besides maybe stupid IE-only sites.
  16. People that say that usually stay with Windows. WGA is flawed, but not a problem. I rather avoid the DRM.
  17. HelioHost was not put on any web hosting sites until the beginning of this month.
  18. Ugh, C is far from obsolete. It's still very commonly used for things such as drivers. Any knowledge from C easily translates into C++ as well. Just stay away from vB, unless it's vB.NET It really just depends on what you would like to do with knowledge of programming.
  19. Doesn't take too long to load for me. For just simple things, I use VI.
  20. You should use Opera if you care about security. Opera is less used, which makes it safer than Firefox. Opera is also about as compliant as Firefox, also incorporating a few of IE's css properties that FF doesn't support.
  21. All Linux distros are open source. The Linux kernel as well as all the currently used window managers are liscensed under GNU/GPL. Ubuntu is far from efficient.
  22. If you wanted security, you should run OpenBSD or FreeBSD. It has higher security because it's used even less than Linux.
  23. Moved to the correct forum. Unfortunately, the first thing I would of done before asking a question is to search the forum. This is the same with every forum and it would piss people off a heck of a lot less than asking a question that's been asked twenty times. That being said, they should be: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org
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