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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. HURRAY! HIP HIP... I loved the 2d side-scroller era. I'm not as big of a fan of the new games.
  2. Yeah, but they'll make up some BS that the controller would be still "traditionally designed". Most Sony and Microsoft fans, and not to mention alot of Nintendo fans have never heard of the controller cradle >_>
  3. Woo hoo! Three cheers for nostalgia play! HIP HIP...
  4. Twenty bucks for a wireless controller isn't half-bad. Two PS3 games almost amounts to a Revolution, if it's at 200 bucks anyway >_>
  5. It is >_> About as stupid as the PSP commercials. ITS PORTABLE CHEESE. WOO.
  6. It's probably going to be taken advantage of just as fast as the Revolution thanks to the SD slot and USB cable.
  7. You do realise that's amazing for something that's free right?
  8. Obviously, he's seen that his attempt at silented revenge failed >_>
  9. Ah, that's good. Whatchu plannin' on doing?
  10. Need some? I have alot to spare >_>
  11. Diddy Kong Racing is a fun game Oh yeah, I got that free controller coupon that came with the N64 I bought, that was cool too. AHAHAHAHA, I love this article: http://www.bonafidereviews.com/article.php?id=148
  12. Alot of parents lack the knowledge of how the ESRB works. The thing is, the USA gets dumber as the days go on thanks to overreactions and silly laws.
  13. Not according to this article: http://news.spong.com/article/9755 I like clicky buttons
  14. Well, I remember online flash games >_> and a bunch of homebrew games... but that's about it, no commercial games.
  15. Welll, I can't give you a complete answer, but there's this: http://news.spong.com/article/9758 I play vidia games and I'm not violent nor anti-social. Polls are probably going to be biased anyway, only polling the people that PLAY videogames, what about the group that don't play video games >_>
  16. http://news.spong.com/article/9781 Pretty cool, kinda like what the Revolution is setting up. How long 'till hackers take advantage of it?
  17. http://news.spong.com/article/9794 Wow... just... wow... I didn't even like Nintendogs >_>
  18. I never bought the bundles, though I did see some of them. I don't like the sports games that usually come bundled nowadays though.
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