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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. Well, the back of the Revolution controller (or bottom, w/e) is sort of curved (as seen from screenies) to fit your hand. I think the PS3 controller is just trying to compansate for people with big hands...
  2. Because alot of us can do it ourselves. Most people that can navigate a forum board and type with decent grammar usually don't have problems with homework. There are not alot of those around on small boards.
  3. They're packaging SSBO with the first Revolutions, or that's what I heard.
  4. How does myscrnnm "know" that the 360 will be a better value anyway?
  5. You need a router to use the Nintendo Wi-Fi, and it's usually used when you have a DSL or Cable (or higher) connection.
  6. There's an accesory(sp) you can buy to watch normal DVDs, I think.
  7. Router setup is too much work =P
  8. Sure, I can live with it. Less wasted system resources.
  9. I heard it overheats... I'll just wait 'till everything settles, instead of buying this "better value" as myscrnnm puts it.
  10. Am I supposed to fine for that? Anywho, mystpdnm, just typing the PSP acronym is disrespectful to the Sony legacy, it's PlayStation Portable, not PSP.
  11. An exclamation mark does the same thing. I support the non-party party.
  12. Refurbised stuff is fine, missing out on warentee(sp), but not many people care 'bout that.
  13. AA is evil =P They need to update GTalk, right now, it's kinda boring =P
  14. Last I heard, they were working on one for it.
  15. Either or... both. 360 for Fable and Halo, Revolution for it's weirdness =)
  16. An Intel is stable, but AMD has power, however unstable it can be at times =P
  17. I use a PSP =P It's alot easier to hack it.
  18. If they moved the L/R buttons down the side a bit, and squared out the sides a bit, it would be nice, but right now, it's kinda awkward.
  19. That would supposedly give it processing power of the others, since each chip would be dedicated on it's specific task O.o It might give programmers hell though.
  20. We have to keep in mind that he's a communist and not used to the capitalist way.
  21. That would just be immoral and unjust. They have done nothing wrong. I mean, just because they have worked hard to become rich is no reason for them to die. We should be praising them for their accomplishments. Not giving their commupance is as bad as being a serial killer.
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