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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. Flash drive? It's no HD, but at least you don't have to pay the cost of one. BTW, I don't understand your last comment GM_268. ROM/Emulator SUPPORT is actually quite hilarious. You could always do it, with a bit 'o modding and such, but allowing people to do it... it's funny. I guess they've thought it through and figured that it wouldn't matter, since money doesn't come in from old games anyway.
  2. Welcome =) Er... one worded post... must lengthen it...
  3. Way too soon to be joking.
  4. KC, just because you didn't get a Mod position on HN...
  5. Yeah, DJBob doesn't like closed topics.
  6. Hmm, although I think a bit of that stuff is extreme, s'all good =) The revolution would probably be alot of people's second-choice consoles because of the predicted cost effectiveness.
  7. Well, calling other's thoughts inane is an example of what I was speaking of.
  8. Alot of people know the basic specs, I think he was refering to the complete detailed specs, or a full knowledge of it. Anyway, I REALLY don't see the need for 6 USB ports, since it has 7 Wi-Fi Devices, two would be enough, four would be nice.
  9. Well, I'm not pointing fingers or anything, but whether you realise it or not, you do post things that enrage other people and that tends to lead to other things.
  10. Really? An external DVD drive would be more expensive to buy seperately then having one packaged in... still, I wouldn't need one, so I guess that helps me.
  11. There are rumors of DVD playing and such, are they confirmed? Anyway, you don't really need a HD anyway, it jacks up the cost, but for a person with alot of money, I guess it wouldn't matter. Nintendo and Sony are both going to have free online play support, but third-party companies can charge whatever they want for access to their servers.
  12. There's alot of going ons here, especially with the anti-social that like to be around social areas.
  13. PostGreSQL is more secure compared to MySQL and is less targeted torwards attacks.
  14. Kyougi

    New Rule

    My will is to help others, and do what's best for this community...
  15. Free Wi-Fi! :yay: Innovation is fun =)
  16. Cool >.< Took me thirty minutes to properly set it up though... the instructions were confusing, and postgresql wouldn't work.
  17. Kyougi

    New Rule

    I've also been kinda mean to him...
  18. Kyougi

    New Rule

    Yeah, I denied, but if DJBob REALLY NEEDS one, I'll do it... anything for HN.
  19. I bet it's all the same person.
  20. I don't think the sign ups work... GM_268 still hasn't gotten a referal point...
  21. Weren't you just talking about how much "bigger" and "better" sony's "sales" were than the other companys'? I smell controversy! You are aware that it just makes you look even stupider when you contradict yourself, right? A wise person once said, "it is better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it." I think this applies perfectly in Myscrnnm's case.
  22. Yeah, just access safe mode and go on the Admin account. I was thinking that max posted this when I saw it on the list
  23. I expect you're the type of person who thinks that the Indians should be under British rule and that Africans should be flogged to death for no reason at all. And what makes you say that? I said your opinion was crap. Comparing it to something based on morality is an entirely different matter, but oh wait, you're too stupid to get that. Furthermore, on GM_268's last post, he is being sarcastic. And what have you been doing with Nintendo? Oh what's that? You don't appreciate the irony? There will ALWAYS be people that will hate or like a thing. Nintendo is the target of alot of attacks as well, but no, you're always paying attention to all the snide comments about Sony, rather then pay more attention to the people that do like Sony, because there are a heck of alot of people that love Sony. So shove your ego up your arse and stop trying to change people, because no one likes a Jehova's Witness (except Jehova Witnesses) @Herloss: Yeah, I heard. They'll probably come out with expensive precision equipment though to lower the cost.
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