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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. It sure does. Adobe's never been serious about anti-piracy.
  2. Bwahahahahahahaha, I don't care when people talk about me behind my back, as long as they are talking about me ^^
  3. Oh, I know, I'll act like Mystpdnm, AMD processors have a better framerate for gaming, and mature gamers have AMD processors. I have 2 AMD, for gaming, and 1 Pentium 4, for work.
  4. Like I said on KrazyLetter, he's a Communist. He thinks that only his beliefs are right, and expects others to follow along, and belittles anyone that thinks otherwise.
  5. It's chrisc, banned for multiple accounts.
  6. Wonder if they're going for some kind of cheap super-processor O.o
  7. The analog stick/D-Pad looks like G-Cube's format.
  8. Know the processor clock speed?
  9. If you don't renew it in time, it's all gone.
  10. Really? Sounds cool. Do you have a source?
  11. They're all just messangers... around my centeralized area, everyone uses AIM, that makes it better here.
  12. It's just a Win32 API foundation guide, which you could use for any language really, but that specific one is targeted for C/C++ HTML and CSS are scripting languages, they have little of the attributes of a programming language =P
  13. People don't like necromancers though -.-
  14. No one cares about GTalk anymore really... AIM usage is varied from place to place, but they're all just messangers...
  15. I'm fine with it really... I haven't even set the options to the right time zone =P Anywho, what really bugs me is Daylight Savings itself. Twice a year, I get really sick on those days that we set the clock back or forward because it throws off my bio clock.
  16. http://www.winprog.org/tutorial/
  17. Hmm, that name is familiar... Anyway, hiya, welcome to Helionet.
  18. I hope it's rechargable, because there's no way I'm paying alot for batteries.
  19. Scratch ASM, it's bugging me to death, C++ to the death =P
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