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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. Kyougi

    New Skin

    Dawg, when ARE we going to update to 2.0?
  2. Hey, that's not fair :yay:
  3. Ah =) Those proxies actually attracted someone? Awsome XD
  4. Nah, they're too good to sue. Nintendo has it's reasons for everything, and I'm sure they haven't revealed everything about the controller.
  5. Hah, I'll one up you. I'll tattoo it down the length of my arm!
  6. Hiya, welcome to HelioNet. Looks like you have two sites already, what brings you to HelioNet?
  7. Haha, that's funny! I don't think a forum admin would lend you a digicam across the US, not to mention outside the US.
  8. Yeah, I remember alot of badmouthing Nintendo for not releasing their info, and I'm like, "Dawg, at least they're not going to be stupid and letting other people steal ideas."
  9. Haw haw, free hosting, I knew it was comming.
  10. I don't know MFC, just Windows API >.< If you want to learn Win32 API, just ask me, 'cuz I know a good tutorial place thing.
  11. I've never had a jack die on me. Alot of the stuff I have, I've built from old stuff, things my friends give me when they break (I'm a junk collector, as they say) and I have a few things with gold connectors, because THEY've shelled out extra, while I pay nothing =) The hard part is to make it eye pleasing ;_;
  12. Still, it's not comparable, Nintendo and the others target different audiences, and it's biased to compare. @GM_268: I was born and raised a conservative, I see significance in two dollars.
  13. I have, big waste of my time.
  14. Yeah, I have too Along with their longer link cables, and Crash Bandicoot! Gold connecters are expensiivvveeee (for me)
  15. Nuh-uh. MadCatz, as bulky as their products are, they make some decent stuff. Although they've cheapened out on some of the material, my Analog Stick, even after extrenuous use, still works as if it was just store bought. Best thing to do is mix and match, I've taken alot of non-broken junk from my broken Nintendo GC controllers and replaced alot of things that were flawed in my MadCatz (and vice versa)
  16. Lol, yeah, I'm one of those people that move with the game, it's pretty much instinct. Nintendo has been using the same type of plastic since the beginning... that thing is sturdy.
  17. lol XD I once bought an old old old laptop w/ internet capabilities for a hundred, and dvd players don't retail for much anymore (my dad bought a cheap DVD/VCR combo and it had support for burned DVDs for 50 w/ mail-in rebate) and cd players you could get for 10 bucks or less, so there's a good chance you could =D
  18. Oh, I know that, it's just Yelovinyl didn't give a reason why he/she liked it.
  19. I used to use Trillan, but it LOVED to slow my connection down.
  20. I've mentioned this plenty, but I use http://gaim.sourceforge.net/ for pretty much everything related to IM. It's nice to use, and it's extendable via Plugins. Anywho, I've seen some companies mimicing GTalk and creating different VOIP specialized programs as of late... which I believe are dumb.
  21. Yeah, something new to break the trend. Myscrnnm said something on Krazyletter that I agree with. He said that, since Nintendo couldn't succeed mainline, they did something completely different (not in those work) He says it like it's a bad thing though, because it's a marketing strategy. If you can beat them, do something else. It's either that or crash into the ground. Anywho, although the remote rises alot of controversy, it is inspiring all people alike to try/buy it, revinue would probably be decent, compared to failure going with the crowd.
  22. Oh yes, I know =) It's just what some adults assume teens as.
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