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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. But unless you inherit the money or something, you're most likely will have to work for it, and starting the buisiness means that you will have to make corporate deals, know how to please your employees, etc, those of which require social skills. Take Sony for example. They're not very social, that's why they're not the top, and that's why they suck. It's funny how Myscrnnm likes them, because he's just like them.
  2. I did not say that everyone is going to like the PS2 and 3. Haven't you seen all the people who are bashing Sony about the Playstation 3 computer entertainment system? If not, then you have been living under a rock. And if you have, then that should be proof enough. Quit nit-picking at the details, that is what makes you an [bleeped!].
  3. Maybe he's a bad liar.
  4. Probably both max... if it is, then what ever happened to his "equally good host" =)
  5. I completed a referral but the smiley thing isn't installing. EDIT: Nvm.
  6. I'll sign up later, I've been meaning to try one of these too.
  7. Don't worry, Myscrnnm is a small-minded fool. First, he says the PS2 is under-rated, then he goes and says something stupid like everyone is going to like the PS2 and 3. Wake up and smell reality Myscrnnm, not everyone is you, and you are not everyone. Don't state your idiotic facts as truth and don't down other's opinions when you hear it. You wanna know why so many people are against you, well, you make it that way.
  8. It's not that, but your posts are spam. Before you post on a site, you must pay heed to the Guidelines of the board, and ours are located here: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?act=boardrules
  9. @Myscrnnm Final Fantasy is overrated. Grand Turismo is boring. Opinion != Fact Your opinion does not matter. Your opinion is nothing. Get used to it. I don't like the Piss-PoorStation, it is created from low quality parts and it's graphics suck, and all the games suck, and I'm being a whiney idiot like Myscrnnm, isn't that cool? Oh wait, wrong company? Oh well. @HL: You know what they say, even the greatest genius can be the biggest dumbass. Ahem, now that that's over. I liked Sega back in the Genesis days. Those were the good ole days.
  10. One day, you might be workin' for some boss you won't like, act like this and j00 [bleeped!] is fired =P Here's some reading for us all =) http://blog.krazyletter.com/genesis/index....howentry&eid=24
  11. Nope! Even though you post it everywhere, only a few people will read it.
  12. I'd join but I saw the questions on there -.-
  13. Push teh buttonz d00d. I think he says stuff 'cuz the big man wants him to.
  14. Burn teh cdz! Metroid Prime 3! Generic 1st person with a twist!
  15. Eh, it's easier just to do (sp)
  16. Then we have right to say it, you exagerated, and we took that as your true level, because you did not state that you had exagerated, therefore your exageration is stated as fact, so you cannot deny it.
  17. Fight, fight, fight! *gets a bag of virtual popcorn 2.0*
  18. [bleeped!], you have to present it so I can deny it!
  20. Not the same old controllers, the PS3 has a BOOMERANG YAY =)
  21. Kyougi


    Ah, the little technicallities =)
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