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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. Kyougi

    Skin in Development

    Skin fits almost perfectly with my Browser and Desktop themes, except it's orange and gray instead of blue and gray >.<
  2. Yar. It looks good, but a bit slower to load than the first skin. IPB 2.X.X always loads slower for me though -.-
  3. I used to play alot of paintball, but the last time I played, I got a concussion, and now me mum forbids me to play it.
  4. Well, all of my friends go game-browsing by graphics, picking up every good-looking case they see and reading the back of it to get a "feel." Not everyone of the gamers community reads the reviews before selecting a game, though, I try to warn as many people as I can to do so...
  5. Call of Duty 2 is pretty cool. And guys, I'm going to have to go back to editting your posts if you don't stop turning this place into a flame-fest. Yeah, it looks pretty nice.
  6. I dunno... /\/\/\/ seems kinda smarter than you.
  7. Personally, graphics matter alot. When you pick up a game off the shelf, your first impression is graphics. Of course, there are instances where you hear a game from a friend or a review (which is usually for some people here) and they get it then. Word spreads and their income is then based on the gameplay and storyline itself, after the graphics sell. Overall, I could probably live without good graphics, but I prefer them in conjunction with good storyline/gameplay. Normally though, I would just pick a one dollar copy of a random game that rarely sells nowadays and play it, Septerra Core and Shogo for example. It might sound like I'm being cheap, but although they ARE cheap, their storylines and gameplay themselves are actually quite good.
  8. I don't care, as long as he watches his mouth and respects other's opinions, but we know that'll happen when Hell freezes over.
  9. Well, it's kinda hard to tell. This forum has been so dead recently, I wouldn't mind alittle necromancing -.-
  10. Ugh, and I'm obviously superior to you.
  11. Right, omgomgomg, I love XBox 360 relatively non-existant good-game selection.
  12. Shweet... That makes it the price of a DS... wow... awsome... the price of a brand spankin' new N64 during it's days...
  13. Kyougi


    Why is my account suspended?
  14. ...And watch it become suspended if you keep spamming. Opinions are not facts, keep that in mind. You may think the PSP is better than the DS, but that is your opinion. Someone else may have a contrary statement.
  15. That's a matter of opinion, but okay.
  16. Not to mention, the low cache they're sticking in it. Hey, I know, let's play Doom 3 on a Celeron.
  17. Kyougi

    Skin in Development

    Hmm, he did good on the KL board. Are you paying him anything?
  18. http://blog.krazyletter.com/genesis/index....howentry&eid=93 I wrote this a few days ago, but finally got around to revising it, enjoy =)
  19. That's why the US makes up for aabout 50% of the world's gas consumption.
  20. The Revolution controller has a gyroscope that can sense X, Y, Pitch, Yaw, etc, is that what you're asking?
  21. Who gives a [bleeped!]... people act worried about it, but do they conserve gas to lower emissions? Not most of them. I say, let the world die.
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