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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. 1434 Activity died when you disappeared.
  2. Kyougi

    IBStore ALPHA I

    Whoops, forgot to check HN >_> Oh well, yippee!
  3. Kyougi

    IBStore ALPHA I

    Heh, it's been this way for a while now, I'm sure DJBob has a good reason though... I hope.
  4. Kyougi

    IBStore ALPHA I

    I'd like to see it though
  5. Well, I'm kinda bored. There's not much... umm, here's the board, there are several sections you can see... and umm... that's about it.
  6. I haven't guessed it >_>
  7. Kyougi

    IBStore ALPHA I

    Ehehe. Gotta read there Spacebud
  8. Kyougi

    IBStore ALPHA I

    DJBob is moving the server >_>
  9. Yeah, we're kinda desperate for some active members... :/
  10. I can live without it. I don't own any high-end things anyway
  11. Hi there, welcome to HelioNet. I hope to see you around too =)
  12. Kyougi

    Ads Plans Beta

    You could always do a classic too, and use absolute positioning to hide the ads ;_;
  13. Kyougi

    New Skin

    Meh, I don't care how DJBob spends his money, unless of course DJBob asks for an opinion, then a few "I told you so"s will be thrown in.
  14. Kyougi

    Ads Plans Beta

    Test pages look like they work. Set me up as lastlife.
  15. Eww, it's like the thing my dad thought up years ago to tease me, he said that eventually, we won't use Hard Drives anymore because all of our system data will be stored on a central hub that connects to the world =P
  16. Anyone play it? http://www.rakion.net/
  17. Oh no, he's gone, whatever shall I do? I don't really care anyway, as long as he's not trolling around HelioNet. Besides, he might not be posting, but I bet if someone makes an offensive enough post, My Screen Name would probably come back with a retort, because he still checks KL regularly.
  18. Oh yeah, I saw that one. That one pwnerz.
  19. Kyougi

    IBStore ALPHA I

    Um... uh... Hey, it didn't work! ;_;
  20. Kyougi

    IBStore ALPHA I

    Whee, I got my name boldeded! I'm glad to see one of the many changes are on the way.
  21. Of course Sony is rich >.> They're also very strongheaded. They're not going to give this up, even if it leaves thier empire in ruins.
  22. Heh, that would be gigantic... Not so portable.
  23. That would be difficult to control, unless the portible would have a joystick control (we saw how that worked out on the PSP)
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