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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. Wow... that's horrible specs for that much money. I bought a 2.9 Ghz Celeron with the same specs for $200.
  2. Three people can be a community I live in Texas, it's nickname is the Lone Star State. There's some historical background that I won't get into on that O.o
  3. After about the 21st year of your life, you're slowly dieing O.o It takes a while before you notice. How about this: Wipe out the human race Now we have no problem.
  4. Ours is blue and white... with a lone star, I think O.o
  5. "Freak show" is an understatement.
  6. Heh, Maine's liscenses are so colorful.
  7. 1464 Darn, I was close that time
  8. Well, I'd help, but I'm powerless O.o I'll just refund you and let DJBob chew me out if he doesn't want me to.
  9. Uses Linux in command line, probably, and, 500MHz, 1GB HDD.
  10. Kyougi


    He was just updating it to work with the newer IPB.
  11. God... I hate to say it... but referral contestl.
  12. Yeah, kinda of a tone thing... but they gotta do it right, or it's just a flop. I hope so too O.o
  13. http://revolution.ign.com/articles/701/701658p1.html I wouldn't be surprised if Ubisoft Montreal comes out with another title if Red Steel is a hit, which, I think it will if all goes to plan O.o.
  14. http://revolution.ign.com/articles/701/701475p1.html Plays in black and white... Sounds intresting though O.o Gameplay sounds too real to buy though... kids
  15. 'Course not, he's the guy everyone loves to hate.
  16. Yes, yes you do... were you?
  17. 1452 Oh, I'm aware of that... I just tried to bump it up a knotch...
  18. That's straight up urban slang yo >_>
  19. Furious, that's what I am >_>
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