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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. Heh, it's really been a long time since we've had flagpole jumping in a new game.
  2. The Wii fits Nintendo's image They're right about the "no need for abbreviation", fer once, we don't need to. Even the SNES was an acronym. Too bad the XBox was first.
  3. XML evolved from HTML, allowing more flexibility, less static pages, and advanced functions. XML not only has it's base in HTML, but has alot of other features to it as well.
  4. There is no IBStore for 2.1 at Invisionize.com. Actually, the one of the only working IBStores for 2.1 is the one DJBob created/modded on this forum. PM DJBob and ask him.
  5. If you read it, you'll die. They're not kidding, just telling you now O.o
  6. Wow, long. Thank goodness for Firefox.
  7. Eww, a cat pooed in yer room!
  8. Domains are getting cheaper and cheaper O.o
  9. Whatever floats your boat, 25 posts for hosting and 600 posts for domains.
  10. They can go anywhere and do anything O.o
  11. Or do you? They fighters?
  12. 1493 I'll gun for the next cool number
  13. http://gear.ign.com/articles/703/703353p1.html Thank the lord there's someone smart within the marketing sector, though, this is still more costly than a regular DVD. UMD was horrid execution. Blu-ray... there's a chance, but it'll be more expensive. Meh.
  14. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/default.mspx For those who haven't heard, it'll feature tabbed browsing, correctly scaled printing, intergrated searching features, and "advanced" security features. I wonder how big of a screw-up this is.
  15. Anyone is welcome to liven up this place Just spread the word of a good free host.
  16. God... my brain is rotting. That's the last time I read a conversation between you two O.o Yeah, I have to think about spelling "beautiful" too, otherwise I spell it "beatuful"
  17. FlashGet is the best Free, intergrated (if you downloaded a browser plugin), up to 10 connections at once, unlimited simultaneous downloads (basically) and doesn't eat up your RAM.
  18. Nokia is dieing, and Sony keeps pressing even though it's sales aren't that good either.
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