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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. Actually, he said it to a different drawing.
  2. Oh yeah, I didn't notice that... Happy Bday.
  3. Josh decided that some really old posts offended him, then decided to witch about it.
  4. Kyougi


    It's asinine to punish the parents. On the otherhand, they could get jail time for neglect.
  5. Don't worry, he's just the typical Sony fanboy. Worships PS2, eh on XBox, and bashes the GC for being too kiddy (he's done a few over on KL). XBox fanboys on the otherhand, bashes everything else for being "kiddy". GC fanboys are stuck defending themselves. People with sense and maturity sees things for their strengths and don't really care about console wars.
  6. I don't care much for Noka, but it does create jobs and keeps our family from the poor house >.<
  7. Really? I haven't seen much swearing or sexual language. There is some, but not that much compared to school. Keep in mind, alot of it is targeted to or from Myscrnnm.
  8. Kyougi


    Makes sense, because we SHOULD be RESPONSIBLE for our OWN actions, not the one managing the site.
  9. Kyougi


    That's what KC just said when he said he was playing both sides =)
  10. That was before I met Max123 >.<
  11. Kyougi


    Ooh, ooh, I know, teach us to hack! EDIT: Mah KL blog: http://blog.krazyletter.com/genesis I'll be updating it with random stuff that I think of every so often.
  12. Well, it's the truth, majazac, most forum boards are ruled with Dictatorship, some less extreme than others though.
  13. It was something we were going to do in the first place.
  14. I believe that max123's hacking of Helionet has been beneficial for all of us. Really, explain.
  15. Ooh, ooh, I know, how to hack Google!
  16. Burn, you all will burn! Also, pizza is good. Now, randomness is essence of life. ;gja;awoiefjdljk l;fjdsaklajsf;ljksa - Sorry, I was stoned. Hell, am I going to get fined for this? I hope not.
  17. You're just going to tick him off, then he's going to frame you! @DJBob, ahahah, just kidding!
  18. Well, I have an idea. We merge into one board, but we keep it two seperate areas, HN area and KL area.
  19. No one is telling you to stop supporting him, here. He hasn't contributed much here anyway though -.-
  20. Kyougi


    An active admin or two is enough to maintain a small community... Besides, a legistator member cannot become a moderator.
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