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Everything posted by Kyougi

  1. Ah, okay... well then shouldn't the domain already be working?
  2. I try not to be, but it's a part of me =P Alter ego and such (no, I'm not crazy... at least I don't think I am) I have the right not to vote =P
  3. Kyougi


    If you don't post much, you really wouldn't care if you were demoted.
  4. I'm a businessman, which is one of the reasons I didn't sign up to be a canidate... pretty heartless at times -.-
  5. Ah... what do you mean by that? Did you create a new hosting account?
  6. Kyougi


    As we both know, DJBob hasn't actually gotten around to demoting the current mod team.
  7. Could always get a domain from DJBob.
  8. KL is in the same situation though -.-
  9. He's going to use a proxy 'till we get bored and mod IPB's IP detection. Time to check out this IPB security flaw...
  10. Gawd, that's OLD. It's way in the past, those topics, so no need to touch them.
  11. I know it doesn't matter now but... Sinner.
  12. @KC - Pfft, I have little tolerance for hackers (the real kind) and bad liars. Combine the two and you get a ticked off person... Good liars are another case, and ironically, they have my respect... trust, no, but respect =)
  13. There's undeniable evidence that he did it, his case is weak, and he ticks me off because he is a discrace. Never mind about a temp ban like I said on KL, I'm with KC 100%, Perm Ban his [bleeped!].
  14. By the way, non-government approved anti-piracy groups are illegal, and hacking is illegal unless it's privately (ie SWB hires hackers to test their service's security) or given immunity by the Government. Note: Applies only 100% sure in the US of A. Outside anti-piracy groups are also deemed vigelantious(sp) Anywho, Myscrnnm woulda made a better argument >.<
  15. Caps is the equivelant of yelling in the 'net world.
  16. Well, don't you guys find it odd that he doesn't mention it in his first post?
  17. Whew, if I didn't refresh and you didn't post Lappy, I woulda told him to take his anger and pain and stuff it somewhere. Your Alibi doesn't fit correctly, if you did get 2 billion, you should of reported it, since it is a competent thing to do, if you recieve an enormous amount of Helions, you would of asked at least, would you not? Again, Democracy on a forum board? Frosted Delusion Flakes, a thing is envisioned, but will never be fully employed, unless the Head Admin is completely uncorrupt, which there are not a thing in our present day and age. BUT, I suggest a trial, with Lappy as the judge.
  18. Isn't hacking (discussion) a major violation against this site anyway, and subject to a ban?
  19. We have to do that all the same week too >.< But at least we get calculators...
  20. Yeah, well it happens sometimes, as long as I get a just consequence I'll be happy.
  21. It's not showing doubled to me... EDIT: Nvm... BTW, I got a connection refused message on the first time I clicked post reply.
  22. *makes a mental note to mask the email*
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