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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Since port 27017 is the standard port for MongoDB, and MongoDB is common enough that other people in the future will surely have use of connecting to external databases as well, I went ahead and opened port 27017 to all IPs. Does it work now? This page seems to indicate that it does:
  2. Your VPS has been canceled and you won't be charged again. Thank you for using our VPS service. In order to provide better service to other customers in the future can you elaborate on why the VPS didn't work for you, but the shared hosting plan will?
  3. Someone else mentioned that characters with accents, such as é, weren't being handled correctly by Plesk. I sent you a password reset link that you can use to set a new password. After you've changed your password if you can provide any further information on what characters don't work for Plesk we would appreciate it. EDIT: I did some digging and it looks like Plesk passwords can be up to 255 characters long. Spaces, single quotes, and double quotes are prohibited. Valid characters are ascii 33, ascii 35 through ascii 38, and ascii 40 through ascii 126. I'll see about updating the signup page to disallow characters that will break Plesk.
  4. It uses a lot of memory and cpu and isn't designed to run on shared hosting. Take a look at their documentation: https://docs.moodle.org/400/en/Installing_Moodle It describes a VPS.
  5. Added, since you're using Cloudflare be sure to create an A record pointed at in order to host it on our server.
  6. The domain https://sssnet.tk/ has been changed to Plesk instead of cPanel.
  7. Make sure you use tommy2.heliohost.org or If you try to connect to tommy.heliohost.org that is cPanel. Your database user is actually a52hepof_bp324_user but I got it figured out. Remote access enabled.
  8. Your account has been deleted and you've been sent an invite to create a new account. For future reference, you don't have to delete your account to change your domain or add new domains to your account though.
  9. Yeah, Moodle always loads pretty slowly on our shared hosting servers because it is so bloated. It was the same way on cPanel. We have had much better luck with it on a VPS. Here is a GTMetrix benchmark of a Moodle site hosted on one of our VPS. I edited out the name of the site for privacy reasons, but 760ms for LCP is really good for Moodle. This is a Venus VPS for $7.00 per month which is 2 GB memory, 2 CPUs, and 50 GB storage. If you want to try out a VPS for a week for free I can set that up for you.
  10. Mainly because Morty will have zero free accounts. The price to have an account on Morty will scale from 3.3 cents per day to 45.7 cents per day depending on the load that your account causes. As long as your account is paid for you won't be suspended for high load or suspended for inactivity.
  11. The only inactivity immunity we've ever offered was during fundraisers we offer 1 month for each $5 that you donate, and then we have everyone 15 months for free since our control panel licenses were revoked. Eventually on Morty we will be offering inactivity immunity too, but the price will be on a sliding scale from 3.3 cents per day up to 45.7 cents per day depending on how much load you cause that day.
  12. Remote access to kr4cher_teamguard has been granted to kr4cher_teamguard_prod_user and remote access to kr4cher_teamguard_test has been granted to kr4cher_teamguard_test_user. Sorry, I don't know what to tell you. We've had quite a few PostgreSQL databases transferred from cPanel to Plesk and most of them had messed up permissions, but the data itself was intact. Not sure what happened to yours.
  13. You can use this tool https://dnschecker.org/#A/radtech.p4cyn.mongodb.net to check A records from 33 DNS servers all around the world. They all report that there is no A record for that domain. I don't understand why there is so much discussion on what should be a fairly open and shut case. Just use the IP of the mongodb host, or find a domain that actually resolves.
  14. A password reset link has been emailed to you. The URL to log in to Plesk is https://heliohost.org/login/ Node.js is available. The main things that aren't available yet is Java/Jsp, Ruby on Rails, the ability to edit DNS records on your own, and the ability to add or delete domains on your own.
  15. Portquiz.net is on IP The IPs you requested outbound port 27017 to be opened for are,, and Since is not one of the 3 IPs you listed it wasn't opened. Since you're so obsessed with portquiz I went ahead and opened port 27017 to for you as well. You can see the result root@tommy2 [/home/krydos]# curl portquiz.net:27017 Port test successful! Your IP: I determined the reason your scripts weren't working 5 days ago. You can't connect to a website that doesn't return an A record. Either connect to it directly by IP address, ie:, or come up with a new URL that actually exists.
  16. With the changes I just made to the inactivity monitoring system it looks like 4 other people were suspended erroneously so I renewed their accounts for them.
  17. Sorry about that. Obviously inactivity monitoring for Plesk is really new so we appreciate the feedback on whether it's working or not. I took a look at the logs for your usernames, and I think it's counting your logins now.
  18. Yes, outbound port 27017 is open, but only to the 3 IPs you listed. tcp|out|d=27017|d= # rarahim tcp|out|d=27017|d= # rarahim tcp|out|d=27017|d= # rarahim
  19. Yeah, I'm no expert on Indian politics, but from my point of view it seems like your government is hell-bent on isolating itself from the rest of the world to prevent any rupees from going anywhere other than staying inside India. We can all see how well that has worked for North Korea.
  20. There you go root@tommy2 [/home/krydos]# dig +short TXT @ns1.heliohost.org dolitoral.com.br "google-site-verification=MXrvLxq-SISeue1ZMiv5hc7iSlqdSXJ2JpDBMdJliFE" root@tommy2 [/home/krydos]# dig +short TXT @ns1.heliohost.org aoferta.com.br "google-site-verification=EtW4WNObXadc9imrZoV-q97SrKRF7qZ0KX5JZXTsrw4"
  21. There you go https://herowars.fluffy.faction.pw/
  22. MariaDB is basically the same as MySQL. MySQL went the commercial route and started trying to make money, so the founder of MySQL started a new 100% compatible 100% free open source database called MariaDB. MariaDB is what MySQL should have been if Oracle hadn't gotten their hands on it. What subdomain?
  23. There you go root@tommy2 [/home/krydos]# dig +short TXT @ns1.heliohost.org juliano.dev.br "google-site-verification=-_7f2a8scUnPRM36e1v-I893VJaJp8Cvc9aCjZPLZoU"
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