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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. It means the other 3 accounts were deleted and all of your posts that you made from the other 3 accounts are now credited to this account.
  2. It looks like you have 4 forum accounts. 2 with gmail addresses and 2 with yahoo addresses. I merged them all. Yay!
  3. Krydos

    VPS Sale Timeline

    We began offering VPS hosting in April 2018. As more and more VPS customers signed up we noticed that our hard drive speeds kept dipping lower and lower. By April 2020 things had gotten bad enough that we decided to start giving away 1 GB free memory on every VPS to help improve speeds, and started a fundraiser to buy some faster hard drives. In August 2021 we finally got the new hard drives installed, and things improved considerably. By December 2021 we were certain that the hard drive speed issue was solved and our VPS service had gotten so popular that we had run out of space to create new servers. Since we had zero spare memory we decided it was time to end the 1 GB free memory sale which had been running for 20 months at that point. The VPS customers who already had the free 1 GB of memory were allowed to keep it, but the time has come for that to end now too. Once again our VPS service has gotten so popular that we don't have any space left to create new VPS so it wouldn't be fair to turn people away, while at the same time giving away free memory to other people. As long as the memory wasn't being used anyways it was fine to give it away for free, but it's been a year since the sale ended so we're going to end the sale for the VPS that were grandfathered in to the old sale price as well. If your VPS has the old sale price still you'll have 2 options: Continue paying the same amount you've always paid on the same subscription you've always used, but you'll have 1 GB less memory. Or begin paying the same fair price that everyone else pays for the memory that you've been enjoying for free for so long. We will be emailing all of the affected customers to give them this choice as well. The default option will be #1 to continue on the existing payment subscription with 1 GB less memory unless we hear back from you wishing to continue with the same memory that you have now. When we started looking at the numbers we were quite surprised that there were so many customers still using the old sale price. It's proof of how loyal our users are, and proof of how great of service we provide that so many people have stuck around for so long. If you have any questions please let us know. Thanks for your understanding, and thanks for being part of the HelioHost community.
  4. Your access_log was 1.9 GB. I deleted it and reactivated your account. You might want to change your log settings so that doesn't happen again.
  5. Added. In order for your domain to work you need to either set your NS records to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org or create an A record pointed at
  6. Added. In order to host the domain on our servers you need to either use our nameservers which are ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org or create an A record pointed to
  7. Wildcard SSL certificates will be supported after we finish the DNS integration which will all you to add and delete domains on your own as well.
  8. Interesting. So after the PayPal transaction goes through it's supposed to redirect you to the thanks page with that order ID on the URL. Based on that quote you somehow ended up on the thanks page with a blank order ID. I have no idea why PayPal would redirect without giving us the order ID. The order ID is the only thing PayPal gives us to lookup the transaction and verify that it went through successfully. No idea why that would have happened.
  9. There you go https://abbasshamshi.com/ There is a directory called abbasshamshi.com in your home directory. Delete the index.html file in there and upload your website to get started.
  10. Your invitation has been resent. Let us know if you still don't receive it.
  11. It's been over 2 weeks since we've heard from you, and you still haven't created the new subscription for the upgraded VPS with the link I posted. We've had the extra 3 GB of memory reserved for you this whole time without it actually being paid for, so you need to decide if you're going to do this upgrade. If we don't hear from you soon we will need to free up the memory so paying users can access it. We are very close to being full on VPS so the upgrade may not be available forever depending on how many new VPS orders we get versus how many people cancel.
  12. Your invite to create a new account was sent to your PayPal email address that you listed on 2022-10-15 and you never used it. I have resent it to the email address associated with your Johnny account with the username shamshi. Keep in mind that since your account was hacked so we can't transfer it, and instead you will need to create a new account, and restore your backup. You can download your backup from https://heliohost.org/backup/ if you haven't already. Let us know if you still don't receive the invite link.
  13. Added. Your domain won't work until you do one of the two options below: Set your NS records to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org Or if you want to use external DNS, such as Cloudflare, create an A record pointed to
  14. That IP is not blocked in any of our firewalls. Is there any software you're running, like virus protection, that may be blocking you? Do you have any sort of DNS blackholes or safety features enabled on your router?
  15. Neither of the IP addresses you have posted from are blocked. From your home connection go to https://heliohost.org/ip.php and let us know the number that is listed there.
  16. We've actually been considering offering education accounts, because we've had a lot of teachers use our free hosting service to give students an opportunity to host a real website on their own domain. Unfortunately right now it probably wouldn't be fair to allow you to create for free 30, or however many students you have, accounts while there are still almost 4000 users who haven't been transferred yet. However, if you're willing to donate $1 per student it would be fair to move your students in front of all of our existing free users. We would need a unique email address for each of them, but if you're interested we can set this up for you.
  17. There is no set date. Our plan is to finish setting up Johnny as soon as possible, and hopefully start allowing a few free signups each day in addition to the accounts that we are transferring each day.
  18. The donation has been linked to the correct account, and you should receive your invite in a few minutes. Thanks for the donation.
  19. You've been added to the waitlist https://heliohost.org/eta/?u=ubitech You're currently #3770 in line to receive an invite.
  20. Krydos

    Donors Moved

    We're happy to announce that as of a few minutes ago all of our current donors have been given a chance to move to Plesk or create a new account. If you've given a gift to HelioHost since 2020-07-14 and haven't gotten your invite yet please let us know so we can get you set up with a Plesk account. We are now moving into the next phase of our transition to the new control panel, which is moving existing free users. You can check your ETA or improve your position at https://heliohost.org/eta/ Any donations of $1.00 USD or more will get you moved to Plesk within 24 hours at this point. Also all of the donor plans at https://heliohost.org/tommy/ are now open starting at a one-time donation of $1.00 USD if you're interested in creating a new account. We're almost done setting up Johnny so free users will have the opportunity to transfer to that server before much longer too. We are making progress on the DNS integration which will allow users to add and remove their own domains, as well as edit their DNS settings. We plan on trying to get Java/JSP installed before much longer too for those users who need that service. There are a few users waiting for Ruby on Rails too, and we haven't forgotten about you either. There are tons of improvements being made to our systems every day, and we're slowly but surely moving towards being 100% functional again. Thanks to everyone who has supported us during this difficult time. Without all of our donors we would have gone out of business years ago. If you have any questions or comments we would love to hear what you have to say.
  21. Krydos

    Donor signups open

    Yep, the donor plans can be found at https://heliohost.org/tommy/ Within a few seconds after you make your donation you should receive an email invite to create a new Tommy account to the email address that you created your PayPal account with. The $1 plan isn't currently available because there are donors who have given more than that who don't have an account yet, but after they're taken care of that plan will open up too.
  22. Glad you got it working. Let us know if you need help with anything else.
  23. Your OS has been reinstalled. Please be aware that you can only have 1 free rebuild per month.
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