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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. /home1/monyooow/public_html/clueslearning.net/wp-content/themes/newoffer/cache/b054a7ad27a73131e5d914ace6e7f975.php /home1/monyooow/public_html/clueslearning.net/wp-content/themes/newoffer/cache/246aae6708b7e04fc19053736e7929f4.php /home1/monyooow/public_html/clueslearning.net/wp-content/themes/newoffer/cache/a6c575bbc7fe5ef844d9d96059d6a6fb.php /home1/monyooow/public_html/clueslearning.net/wp-content/themes/newoffer/cache/9ebc6e2951385fc633d8ed624008c427.php /home1/monyooow/public_html/clueslearning.net/wp-content/themes/newoffer/cache/7ab6f1b5ca4227f2c9ae3631883a1864.php /home1/monyooow/public_html/clueslearning.net/wp-content/themes/newoffer/cache/cfa22c096745e2d78fd1054a38320b2f.php /home1/monyooow/public_html/clueslearning.net/wp-content/themes/newoffer/cache/f0b19d5964582251dbe9e7c9bfa8698e.php /home1/monyooow/public_html/clueslearning.net/wp-content/themes/newoffer/cache/incs.php /home1/monyooow/public_html/clueslearning.net/wp-content/themes/newoffer/cache/22ce3f5fa5fe28657a4034e150622aa4.php /home1/monyooow/public_html/clueslearning.net/wp-content/themes/newoffer/cache/d7a891568426e7ff9bd810b86db57cb9.php /home1/monyooow/public_html/clueslearning.net/wp-content/themes/newoffer/cache/17efcaf5d75a6e8068051bcf4ec0fd83.php /home1/monyooow/public_html/clueslearning.net/wp-content/themes/newoffer/cache/4116445b9d434b062ba79330b3ba43b3.php /home1/monyooow/public_html/clueslearning.net/wp-content/themes/newoffer/cache/1cae8feb0ef500eb04eaf027153175a4.php
  2. Try adding your parked/addon domains now. Let us know if you're still having any issues.
  3. Please clear your cache.
  4. You can register using this link http://www.heliohost.org/home/signup Keep in mind that each person is allowed one account. It can take up to 48 hours for an account to be fully deleted once it's queued for deletion so you probably just need to be patient.
  5. That's kind of odd. Does it work now?
  6. Your account was suspended for inactivity. To reactivate your account, please visit http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/renew. If you are still seeing the Account Suspended page after renewing your account, please clear your cache.
  7. Your account was suspended for inactivity. To reactivate your account, please visit http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/renew. If you are still seeing the Account Suspended page after renewing your account, please clear your cache.
  8. Try adding your parked domain now. Let us know if you're still having any issues.
  9. The other thing to mention is that probably 90% of the "malware" that we've found since we began scanning user files a week or so ago has been the exact thing described above, hidden back doors in themes that would give hackers free reign to change files or gain control of the account. When we find a known back door like that the account is suspended to protect the data from attackers and it notifies the account owner that something is wrong. Then we give the account owner 24 hours to get their account fixed on their own, and if they fail to get it fixed themselves we even delete those back door access for hackers to get in for the (possibly) clueless account owner. It can be slightly annoying for an account to suddenly get suspended like that, but hopefully it will help reduce the number of hacked accounts and lost data since if an account is suspended it locks out the hackers as well as everyone else, and then when the owner is ready to clean things up they can do so. It might actually be useful to monitor that database and if we see one of our IPs get hacked we can suspend those accounts too until the owner can take are of it. Interesting find anyways.
  10. There is no account with that domain.
  11. Your account has been created successfully. Unless you used different data the second time it must have just been a fluke the first time that it failed.
  12. You used up the entire 24 hour period to take care of this yourself so the infected files have already been removed. To prevent your account from being suspended again you can make sure your files are all clean before uploading them.
  13. Your account has been manually unsuspended. If you still see the suspended page then you should try clearing your browsers cache.
  14. Your account has been manually unsuspended. If you still see the suspended page then you should try clearing your browsers cache.
  15. Your account has been manually unsuspended. If you still see the suspended page then you should try clearing your browsers cache.
  16. Try deleting or renaming your .htaccess file for that subdomain to see if that fixes the 500 error.
  17. We do have automatic DoS protection that will keep the server online for everyone when one person is either knowingly or unknowingly causing downtime by opening too many connections. There is also automatic protection against guessing passwords that can lock you out of being able to log in if you continually try to log in with the wrong password.
  18. No domain will not be hosted with us unless you change the nameservers of the domain, so creating an account won't affect your current hosting unless you change settings at your registrar. The account hasn't even been created yet so you can't reset or log into an account that hasn't been created. You will receive another email once your account is ready to be logged into.
  19. You had a bunch of php processes that haven't been executing properly. I killed them for you. One of them was shoutbox.php and the rest were index.php. Make sure your scripts exit properly because when you hit the process limit all new php processes will result in a 500 error.
  20. Just delete your account http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/delete and then create a new account http://www.heliohost.org/home/signup
  21. You can use the 500 MB of storage for anything you want as long as it doesn't violate the ToS http://wiki.helionet.org/Terms If you wish to delete your account you can do so with this link http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/delete once the account is created. If the issue is that your main domain is incorrect you can use this link http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/domain to change your domain to something that you don't already have hosted elsewhere.
  22. You used up the entire 24 hour period to take care of this yourself so the infected files have already been removed. To prevent your account from being suspended again you can make sure your files are all clean before uploading them.
  23. Where dd you even get this number from? The space limit has been 500 MB for well over a year now http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/10221-increased-storage-and-upgrades/ and before that the limit was 250 MB for years. Yeah, just use a free dynamic ip address tracking service to assign a URL to your ip and install their little program that monitors ip changes on your computer. Then create a CNAME record on your domain like images.yourdomain.com and point it to your free dynamic URL that you got. Then install apache or some other web server to host your photos. Then when someone goes to yourdomain.com they will see your website hosted on Heliohost and the images will have urls like images.yourdomain.com/image1.jpg That would work too. No problem.
  24. The only errors I've seen lately on account creations was a few failed internal connections between servers. Have you tried creating your account a second time?
  25. Your account has been manually unsuspended. If you still see the suspended page then you should try clearing your browsers cache.
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