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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. How to set up Django on your home pc depends a lot on what OS you're using. I've done it on Ubuntu/CentOS/etc. If you're using windows I'll be a lot less help.
  2. You should now be able to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ and you website should start working within 24 hours.
  3. If you're trying to change your main domain you can do so here http://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/domain
  4. Since you're on a shared host apache needs to restart for the other thousands of websites that are hosted on the same server as you. When it restarts there is a short 5-10 second lag where your website might load slowly. Tommy is faster, but it is also shared hosting so apache needs to restart there as well. If this is too much "downtime" for you then you need to get a VPS where it will host only your one website and you'll be in full control of restarts. We recommend using this link https://www.heliohost.org/partners/vps as we will get a little money for referring you.
  5. Open a command prompt and type ping <url> and it will say the numerical IP.
  6. Unarchiving...
  7. Which version of python are you using?
  8. To enable hidden files go to https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/filemanager/index.html and click Settings in the top right corner. Then put a check next to hidden files, and click save. You have an extra .htaccess file located at home/ └── patents/ └── public_html/ └── .htaccessDelete or rename that one, and next the syntax is slightly wrong in your other .htaccess file home/ └── patents/ └── public_html/ └── hello/ └── .htaccessTry this code instead: RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^(media/.*)$ - [L] RewriteRule ^(admin_media/.*)$ - [L] RewriteRule ^(dispatch\.wsgi/.*)$ - [L] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ hello/dispatch.wsgi/$1 [QSA,PT,L]The difference is you have extra hellos on the last two lines. When you create a django app on your home computer it actually creates a structure like this ─── db.sqlite3 ├── manage.py └── hello/ └── hello/ ├── __init__.py ├── settings.py ├── urls.py └── wsgi.py Notice how the wsgi.py (which becomes dispatch.wsgi on our server) is actually located in a directory with the same name as the overall app? The way you're doing it is fine too and it will work, but it's the old fashioned way of doing it back in like Django 1.5 or so.
  9. Unarchiving... Please note that your hosting username isn't butters but rather just butt, and your hosting email address isn't the one you posted, but rather the same as your forum accounts email. Anyways, you should now be able to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ and your website should start working again within 24 hours.
  10. What is the destination IP of the outgoing port 8000 tcp data?
  11. It sounds like you need an outbound port not that your socket is listening on port 8000 like I thought. I see that you're connecting to a dynamic dns domain which is probably a home computer. Can you change the port 8000 to something else?
  12. Here's a link to the last guy who set up a java servlet web socket. https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/29870-java-websocket-on-tommy-default-ports-debugging-general-help/ Does that help you?
  13. fff95907-7d69-46e8-aeb5-e549ac4cc3c4 fffc324d-8e31-4dfe-bc61-b2db00ba5220 fffd165c-6c87-47e9-970c-a2f9ead5f008 fffd759d-7d70-482d-a84d-6d34513d1306 fffdf382-ab0a-4c4d-ae5d-7f3becd2dda6 fffe3b9a-bdc9-469b-803f-6f37567187e6 ffff782a-9a1a-47b1-9622-fc062070167c
  14. Krydos

    Old Admins?

    Behind the scenes? Well, in general terms we keep everything running just like the managers and owners of any business would. We have to file taxes, and register as a corporation. We recently restructured our company to be an official 501c3 not for profit organization which included assigning titles to each other and having occasional board meetings. Ashoat has to travel to Fremont California every once in a while to physically work on the servers, or install new hardware. We have to pay the bills. We have to keep track of our income and expenses. I don't know. We have to do a ton of stuff behind the scenes.
  15. You won't be able to connect to port 8000 because that port is blocked in our firewall.
  16. The best way to speed up wordpress is to delete wordpress. Jokes aside, try disabling some unneeded plugins and junk. http://www.wpbeginner.com/wordpress-performance-speed/ I benchmarked Tommy's wordpress performance and it's 300ms which is pretty decent. If that's not good enough for you it might be time to move to paid hosting. We would really appreciate it if you use our affiliate link since we'll get a cut. Check it out: Wordpress Optimized Hosting
  17. You were suspended for creating 28,848 directories in /tmp. Were you trying to crash the server on purpose?
  18. Krydos

    Old Admins?

    Ashoat (the founder of HelioHost) is still around and is fairly involved behind the scenes. I don't even know when the last time he posted anything publicly, but he's had a lot of input on the backend. He's our CFO, and handles most of the financial stuff.Byron is around quite often and handles a lot of the escalated issues. He has root access to everything just like me and Ashoat. He's our COO.Cl58 hasn't done any admin type stuff in years, but he created a new account on Tommy I believe and still uses our service as a regular user now.Ice IT Support just got really busy with real life I think. He's come back a few times and said he was going to try to get more involved again, but then gets too busy to learn all the recent changes.JJE has been gone for years, but pops in every once in a while.Luigi123 is active.Shinryuu just dropped of the face of the earth one day without saying goodbye and we've seen no signs of him in over four years.Tjoene is fairly active.I believe Wizard is a friend of Ashoat, but he's been gone since before my time so who knows.Wolstech is very active.Xaav dropped of the face of the earth too, which was kind of strange because he was the main root admin when he disappeared. He's pretty much the reason I took over as root admin is because after a month or two of there being no root admin HelioHost was really starting to fall apart. Stevie only had like 30% uptime, etc. It was a mess, but I cleaned it up.Yashrs is fairly active too.
  19. Apart from that the publicly available stats are all external. Most of those images I linked are external too since it's Cody monitoring Tommy, Ricky, and Johnny anyways. Admins have a control panel that gives access to some graphs and other stats, but it's for moderator rank and higher only. Continue being so helpful to other HelioHost users and we might offer you a promotion and you'll be able to see them for yourself.
  20. And we have small versions of the load: And small versions of the uptime too:
  21. We have a load image for each server: We have an uptime image for each server: We even have a load image for Cody which is the server that hosts our main website, this forum, and the wiki:
  22. All of our servers processes are load balanced. When the load is high things like account creation and deletion slow down. When load is low they create and delete more or less instantly. Since you picked the Johnny server things tend to take longer since this servers load is frequently high. Load of 10 or less is pretty good. Load is hard to predict because it's mostly based on how many people are viewing websites on that server at any given time, and because of this it's difficult to determine how long it will take. You can check the load on Johnny with this image: I just checked and your hosting account has been deleted now.
  23. Unarchiving... You should now be able to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ and your website will start working within 24 hours.
  24. Have you tried SFTP settings?
  25. You already queued that account for deletion. Now you just need to wait for it to be deleted.
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