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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Unarchiving... You should now be able to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ and your website will start working within 24 hours.
  2. Have you tried SFTP settings?
  3. You already queued that account for deletion. Now you just need to wait for it to be deleted.
  4. Unblocked.
  5. What port are you running your socket on?
  6. Lots of things can cause 500 errors including high load. Johnny is no stranger to high load and experienced some downtime earlier tonight. It was probably related. If you want a server with more stable load and less errors we recommend a production server like Ricky or Tommy.
  7. What is a link to a page that has a 500 error and I can take a look?
  8. I set up the external cron for you.
  9. We offer unlimited external cron jobs, but the cron jobs you're talking about are limited to two per day. If you want to set up an external cron job just post a link to your script that can be reached by a browser and we'll set the cron job for you to execute as often as once every 5 minutes. For instance: ctfisep.heliohost.org/cron/process.php
  10. You were blocked because you tried to log in using the wrong username or password too many times. This won't happen if you log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ You can get a reset password link sent to your email by going to https://www.heliohost.org/reset/ Your IP has been unblocked.
  11. You picked the Johnny server, that's why you see so many errors. The solution to all these errors is to reduce the number of users on Johnny and reduce the load that Johnny experiences. The reason Johnny has so many users is because our service is very popular, but we don't have enough servers to properly support everyone that wants to create an account. The reason Johnny's load is so high is because there are way too many users on that server. If you want to be able to add and delete domains without errors we recommend moving your account to one of our production servers like Ricky or Tommy.
  12. To delete a subdomain Go to https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/subdomain/index.htmlClick remove next to the subdomain you want to remove
  13. One of the fundamental principles of unix is that each tool should do only one job, and do it as perfectly as possible. Apache's purpose is to serve content over http/http2 protocol, and to be as secure and stable as possible. PHP is a separate process entirely, and it's purpose is to process scripts written in php and to be as secure and stable as possible. If apache also processed php scripts it would violate the one-tool-one-purpose unwritten rule. The idea is if you try to make one tool do too much then it won't be as perfect at all of it's different tasks. Since this is the case the kernel of linux does an exemplary job of linking these separate processes together with pipes and redirected stdout and stdin and stderr, etc. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_philosophy#Do_One_Thing_and_Do_It_Well
  14. Thanks for pointing this out. Johnny's tomcat configuration had gotten corrupted. There you go http://seethend.heliohost.org/test.jsp
  15. SuPHP is very particular about permissions. It's a security vulnerability to have a php file be writable by the group.
  16. There you go http://krydos1.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules27.py
  17. Which version of python are you using on Ricky?
  18. Does the 500 error go away when you change it to 644?
  19. Go to https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/frontend/paper_lantern/java/index.live.phpClick Upload.Select your .war file from your hard drive.Make sure your .war file is selected in the dropdown menu (if you have more than one .war uploaded.)Click Deploy.
  20. Is the php file 644 permissions?
  21. You should now be able to log in to your control panel at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ and your website should start working again within 24 hours.
  22. It's working now http://dreamrealm.heliohost.org/
  23. It's working now. http://webcycle.in/
  24. Yes, this really is free. We've been providing free hosting since 2005, and have no intention on starting to charge people for it. We do accept donations from those who appreciate our service. It looks like you have an install of dolphin on your root directory. Were you trying to install ossn on your root directory too or in a subdirectory?
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