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Chief Executive Officer
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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Done.
  2. It looks like it might be good. Just need to wait for up to 24 hours for it to start working.
  3. Installing it on Johnny would likely result in about 8 hours of downtime. That's not going to happen. I can easily install it on Ricky or Tommy though. Just let us know your username, server, and which version of php you want to use.
  4. Which feature from the latest cpanel do you need? I requeued your account creation and you should be able to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ now. You'll probably need to disable cloudflare temporarily to get your domain working.
  5. It sounds like you're probably on Johnny. This happens fairly often on Johnny because he's our experimental server. Since we allow unlimited free signups on Johnny he's very overloaded and the high load has a tendency to break addon domain creations. Let us know your username and the addon domain you're trying to add and we can fix it manually.
  6. Krydos

    Python Upgraded

    Are you sure you don't mean pillow? Pil hasn't had an update since 2009.
  7. https://dropprob.heliohost.org/ and https://dropprob.heliohost.org/wp/ are two different directories. Why on earth would you expect them to show the same content? If you want visitors to https://dropprob.heliohost.org/ to end up at https://dropprob.heliohost.org/wp/ then just add a redirect there.
  8. You got blocked for logging in to your cpanel with the wrong username or password too many times. Please remember to login at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ to prevent this from happening again.
  9. Yes, that code works for me.
  10. Yes, you can connect from Tommy to smtp.gmail.com:587. I'm not sure if your code connects though.
  11. I just tested remote mysql connection on Tommy and it works for me. # mysql --user=krydos --host= -p Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 2374234 Server version: 5.6.35 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
  12. I can just import the data into your database. Where do you want it? bailey_mwdb, bailey_wikidata, bailey_wikidb, or something else?
  13. Replace smtp.gmail.com with or
  14. I just tested the outbound port 587 connection to and from Tommy and they both work. Does it help if you specify the IP directly?
  15. Cpanel is being kind of slow on this one https://features.cpanel.net/topic/add-support-for-mysql-5-7 I could install mysql 5.7 easily. The problem is I would need to manually create users, enable remote access, create databases, change passwords, and everything else that cpanel does for us. Either that or I would have to write a plugin from scratch to do all of that. It's a pretty huge undertaking either way.
  16. Unarchiving... You should now be able to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ and your website should start working again within 24 hours.
  17. If you can get to the HelioHost Tools page then your login has been counted and your last login date has been updated.
  18. Unarchiving... You should now be able to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ and your website should start working within 24 hours.
  19. What is the database username?
  20. Yep. 120 directories were created today alone. For example: Oct 17 12:01 619783e9-c31f-4749-9216-5c08922193fd Oct 17 12:01 6d3d62f3-6177-4682-bc87-4201fde8385b Oct 17 12:01 75ce1b74-8f0a-4ce9-98ab-1482918ecbb5 Oct 17 12:01 a510bf82-0703-4b61-b78d-b8b641e77064 Oct 17 12:01 df4b1d9a-1615-4fd3-8c49-43ac405dc2d9 Oct 17 12:01 e4841eab-e45d-4a78-8227-cd2b0f44312c Oct 17 12:01 e9d5b1b1-8595-47a0-9d87-f98b7389bbab Oct 17 12:01 f04258ce-1421-4347-bea3-74c0d03c96f4 Oct 17 12:01 f33a066b-6475-4038-b301-c192fb022d9d Oct 17 12:02 0a387d30-dea6-40bb-8d9c-d3688c867bbd Oct 17 12:02 0f48260f-4618-4464-a8a4-94c35bb3c70a Oct 17 12:02 174edada-163d-4f51-9cc3-858fe319f693 Oct 17 12:02 31d4622f-1d95-4e44-a2ac-9ef19f627eb2 Oct 17 12:02 356d3cd0-47d3-4c8f-b73a-8f3190d97691 Oct 17 12:02 6051cb05-655b-4309-8e23-c75002b9d0f9 Oct 17 12:02 6dd77312-afa9-4c46-b8f2-a8a7c8b3e87d Oct 17 12:02 7db0ac94-1d5e-4287-909e-cc08b4131ea0 Oct 17 12:02 8a29c650-04e1-4d6d-a500-0467c03daa90 Oct 17 12:02 adbf355d-b693-458f-99d4-1f55aea2e196 Oct 17 12:02 d9bd8e35-7766-4b74-9dbb-2ee501a0c633 Oct 17 12:03 318a7c8e-6e10-4953-9c49-0cdfc053ec72 Oct 17 12:03 5da5b8a5-7d39-4ab1-8753-8e4efa0b761d Oct 17 12:03 7f450e69-7ee3-453a-910d-a8d0b68d241e Oct 17 12:03 a14fa4a5-c234-4f5c-8baf-dbc8c8689d24 Oct 17 12:03 b81cd514-3833-4a55-afda-7e53d5b84209 Oct 17 12:03 ccba5c8a-897a-44f8-8583-5da649d3d2d3 Oct 17 12:03 dc68323e-4b4b-48d0-9f6a-b4b0907d6e7f Oct 17 12:04 0a44afa6-f889-40f0-b35c-8f885e5cb273 Oct 17 12:04 9b4854ff-56bd-41a6-a594-254a05416003 Oct 17 12:04 a5f6180f-6b06-4b98-8cf2-4931badd1ec9 Oct 17 12:04 ab3b9e55-7af9-47f5-be9d-9c3ccb5fc57c Oct 17 12:04 e57cd696-a350-4f5e-a641-f2a32dddba9d Oct 17 12:05 69f5f610-b001-4984-a76c-97b6aa4ef8eb Oct 17 12:05 6ef24884-45c4-4303-8418-49bec594cf53 Oct 17 12:06 681fef30-70a3-470b-b529-95520b8d867e Oct 17 12:06 c4057f1a-e427-4c5c-a0bb-f9ed20899b31 Oct 17 12:08 07c95aaf-2a01-4e23-a595-fd993c59693f Oct 17 12:08 251930b7-45bd-41e7-9a78-9dbf856d7c15 Oct 17 12:08 29bce997-4d41-4461-ae2a-ab35534b604a Oct 17 12:08 80a0c18b-7687-4ff3-b1ab-27f764724f28 Oct 17 12:08 b9369032-ec0a-4a4c-bc0b-7fc07246b199 Oct 17 12:08 ba479d8d-00f5-4493-ade4-411f96878744 Oct 17 12:08 ec061b87-5ba9-434f-9adf-de382518679d Oct 17 12:09 10e36e53-ef12-49e6-bc92-bca942482b62 Oct 17 12:09 3e6355e1-5ff5-4f3f-9708-2cdb80e82834 Oct 17 12:09 455a3a8d-129b-435e-909e-0b9397c3ecfd Oct 17 12:09 5a5ab98e-ebc0-4545-81a2-ea4224017ef5 Oct 17 12:09 692b380a-30bf-4fbf-9508-941559b0eddb Oct 17 12:09 7d97bd1e-5ad8-43d4-a0e3-dc15ebb77e1b Oct 17 12:09 a66e17c7-e33a-41c3-b631-8d2ea0f9b611 Oct 17 12:09 b3aed814-bd70-4408-a7e3-ac49524b4424 Oct 17 12:09 bac606c4-6502-4b1c-ad1b-90db958bd05e Oct 17 12:09 e5c1b7c0-c34f-4248-a665-02d96ef60430 Oct 17 12:17 3859da4f-9607-4cb0-a67c-a34440eb0fe0 Oct 17 12:18 04f358e1-a4e0-44ff-95f5-355f8d23856d Oct 17 12:18 83894e79-f66d-4b4d-a6be-77e4efc750b9 Oct 17 12:18 df3052e8-5270-41ba-99c6-c57b1a082547 Oct 17 12:19 3bc20b14-05eb-4ca0-adc5-3e979cf83b93 Oct 17 12:19 754d0a45-cd69-4dc9-af5e-9e47b25c6cd8 Oct 17 12:19 98f22657-e45f-45f9-810c-016a27b29d8b Oct 17 12:21 09e36bb3-777d-485c-805a-95caff57a090 Oct 17 12:21 60c10caf-4363-45f8-864e-e486d35c5a93 Oct 17 12:21 911de28d-b1fa-448f-bb69-41ade4115d18 Oct 17 12:21 ebaa119d-dc32-4e56-921e-c5dc80445333 Oct 17 12:22 260ec843-2014-47ce-be49-9fc53896740f Oct 17 12:22 29d085b6-4316-498f-a5e7-5f8f0fc56701 Oct 17 12:22 3577be87-9a63-4423-961f-3590d1c299ff Oct 17 12:22 49a938be-e02e-4709-89c7-b0644e8cdfe8 Oct 17 12:22 57653bb1-841e-42c7-bf91-633cb253b9c7 Oct 17 12:22 62c54b3f-265d-49f7-bd88-c0d62a7b5e5a That's 70 directories in just 21 minutes. It's no wonder you got suspended.
  21. Want me to compress it for you? Right now it's 275 MB uncompressed, but compression would shrink that considerably since text files are mostly just empty space.
  22. Try allowing remote connections from your specific IP. You can find it by going to https://www.heliohost.org/ip.php
  23. Before I move you back may I ask what is wrong with Ricky?
  24. Does it work if you encode it for linux? I see you have it dos encoded.
  25. You should now be able to edit the wiki if you find something else that needs to be updated. Thanks.
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