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Everything posted by Krydos

  1. Ricky already has autossl, but it's an older version that doesn't have a user interface in cpanel. That user interface is mostly useless because autossl will still install certificates automatically even if people don't do anything on the cpanel page, but it makes people feel good to click a useless button. It only speeds up the process of getting a new ssl certificate slightly if at all though. Ricky has a lot of other issues though. The three recent crashes due to the cpus locking up is the main issue. Apache crashing due to faulty ssl certificates affects everyone because everyone's website goes down. Some accounts don't unarchive well because Ricky doesn't always clean up all the old files sometimes. The "no ssl" page doesn't work on Ricky and instead shows some random user's website, which is really confusing for people. Lots of other things too. This should all be fixed after the rebuild.
  2. He has 24 hours from now to remove any Apple images, Apple fonts, and anything else misleading that would make people think it was an Apple site or selling Apple products.
  3. Yes, if you donate $1 USD equivalent or more of bitcoin to the wallet 3CcP6JbFKZ3eU1KHwrzVYkqDY1yPsT4SVR we can move you to Tommy. The best way to use cloudflare is to set your nameservers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org temporarily until your website is working, and then have cloudflare copy our working settings.
  4. The email address of that donation already has an active Tommy account so I guess you found the invite and created your account. Marking solved. Let us know if there's anything else you need help with.
  5. Bottle would have to be on python 2 on Ricky as well. You can only install mod_wsgi on one version of python.
  6. Invitation sent. Thanks for the donation.
  7. The heliohost.org/tommy page is only designed for making a donation if you don't already have an account. If you already have an account and you make a donation on that page it does strange things. I'll get that fixed soon. I fixed the VPS page. Try submitting it now.
  8. You're significantly the highest memory over the last 24 hours, and most of your load is coming from /usr/bin/python3.7 /home/pgarcia/telegramMaGbot.py You need to make that script more memory efficient or risk being suspended again. Here's what your load for the last 24 hours looks like: EDIT: It looks like the last 7 days graph broke at some point. I have fixed it. Thanks for drawing my attention to it. Here is what it looks like for your account:
  9. Flask on Ricky runs on python 2.7. If you need python 3 for flask you need to move to Johnny or Tommy. Even then it's python 3.7 not python 3.8 like you listed.
  10. It sounds like you're talking about heliohost.org/tommy maybe? That page is only for if you don't already have an account.
  11. Sorry, that was just the first link when I googled "convert wordpress to joomla". I didn't research it much more than that.
  12. Just upload the file to the webroot, and then add the javascript code to the cpanel source.
  13. You could always get a vps. https://www.heliohost.org/vps/
  14. I have tested SFTP, FTPS, and FTP on Johnny and they all work for me. Also your username, port, and hostname all look good. Since you picked Johnny it might be high load that is causing SFTP connections to fail occasionally. Are you able to connect to SFTP when the load is low? You might also be interested in hosting your nice .com domain on a better server. We recommend Tommy for productions websites. Johnny is just for testing. EDIT: Almost forgot to mention that I checked the IP address that you posted from and it's not blocked in the firewall either.
  15. Maybe this will help? https://www.joomlashack.com/blog/joomla/converting-a-wordpress-site-to-joomla/
  16. Sockets probably won't work through passenger. I've never tried it though. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59598607/implementing-websocket-server-by-nodejs-on-shared-cpanel-host
  17. Unarchived.
  18. There you go https://krydos2.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules37.py Your best bet would be to set up a cron that runs every 12 hours and checks if your script is running already, and if not starts it. Server restarts aren't very common though. Some of our servers have gone years without a restart before. Another idea is I could set up an external cron that runs as often as every 5 minutes to check if your script is running already or not. Current days since last restart: Sparkie 221 days Eddie 221 days Katie 221 days Stevie 221 days Tommy 105 days Cody 27 days Johnny 22 days Charlie 18 days Ricky 9 days If you're curious why 221 is the number for a lot of those it's because there was a power outage that took all of our servers offline for a while on 2020-06-21 https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/40232-power-outage/
  19. There you go https://krydos2.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules37.py
  20. Remote access enabled.
  21. It's probably a setting on your computer then. Changing settings on the server isn't going to affect what your computer does with the file once it's downloaded.
  22. There is an interesting bug that I can't track down where if you created your account on Johnny where the SFTP port is 1373, and then have your account moved to Tommy where the SFTP port is 1342 that page still shows the Johnny port. If you create your account on Tommy it shows the correct 1342 port. I think to simplify things in the future, as it becomes easier for people to move their account between servers, is to just make all three servers use the same port.
  23. You can install ioncube on a vps if your software requires it.
  24. Not sure what happened with this one, but here's your domain working again. http://animecaf.heliohost.org/ Let us know if anything is missing.
  25. I recommend Ubuntu 20 for a moodle site as it's the easiest linux distro to administrate. It has cutting edge versions of most everything too which helps avoid vulnerabilities. It's really easy to upgrade your VPS to higher stats later if you want, but you can start with the 2 GB memory, 2 CPUs, and 50 GB hard drive for $4 per month. Memory affects the speed of the websites the most, more CPUs help if you have a lot of multitasking going on, and hard drive space is for storing files, images, videos, etc. You can install cpanel on your vps if you want to, but be aware that it will cost you $15 per month for the solo license. https://cpanel.net/pricing/ Like Wolstech said a lot of people like to install free control panels like VestaCP, but be aware that control panels use a lot more resources than just plain ssh does so your load will be higher and your speeds will be slower. The basic process is to zip up your files, and backup your databases. Then install apache or nginx on the vps. You'll also need to install php and mysql. Then unzip your files onto the vps, and load your databases into mysql on the vps. I strongly recommend at least trying to learn how to do a lot of that stuff yourself because a VPS is a great opportunity for learning, but if you get stuck I can help, or if you mess things up really bad I can always just wipe the hard drive and start over with a fresh operating system install.
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