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Everything posted by Luigi123

  1. You don’t need it. It will just add your domain on top of your .heliohost domain. It will still work, trust me.
  2. What’s your account username? I’ll look it up for you and let you know.
  3. Did you actually rip your whole hair off or just a bit?
  4. Your IP has being blocked. You were failed to login through the FTP. Unblocked.
  5. Moved to “Questions” category.
  6. We don’t have exact day of when it’s going to be done rebuilding it.
  7. Luigi123

    Tommy Downtime

    Tommy will be done in September, but we don’t have exact day.
  8. This support request is being escalated to our root admin. Also, how did you donate?
  9. Also, moved to Customer Service.
  10. Your files has being sent to e*****2***@gmail.com.
  11. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  12. They will see it when one of them are online.
  13. When Tommy Server is back, just make a request in a topic to have your account move back to Tommy.
  14. That’s what I’m wondering.
  15. Yep I did. Now he’s going to received 3 backups
  16. Moved to Customer Service.
  17. Ahhhh, didn’t see this.
  18. Your backup files has being sent.
  19. I bet his username is Alfonso.
  20. Once our Tommy Server is done rebuilding, then our root admin will renamed your forum account and you can use your old username and email address.
  21. Perfect! Let us know if you have any questions.
  22. No account in our system. Do you remember what was your old username other than abhibau?
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