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Everything posted by Luigi123

  1. What is your username on Tommy? I will change it your email address to something else so that you can use it on Ricky. EDIT: Nevermind. Found your username
  2. @nyten: is it @gmx.com or what? I have it as @gmx.old
  3. I will manually send your backup files to your current email address that we have on our system. Sending it now
  4. Also, instead waiting all night for the signup button to be available, you could just make a donation at heliohost.org/donate of minimum $1.00. Then after that, paste your transaction ID here and our root admin will send you an invitation to your email quicker.
  5. 1. You cannot use a same email address that you have on your old Tommy account and use it on Ricky. 2. You’re not abusing our Servers between Tommy and Ricky. Since Tommy Server got crashed because of the hard drive, you are alright to create temporary account on Ricky. 3. Ricky has the same features as Tommy.
  6. Once our root admin verifies your transaction ID, sent you an invitation to your email address, all you have to do is click on the link button and it takes you to page where you will have to filled it out. Next you will have to wait for your account to be active in 24 hours. Once your account is currently activate it, you can start uploading your backup files to your Ricky Account. I recommend Ricky because he’s our fastest server than Johnny. Follow the steps what to do: 1. Upload your files using File Manager or FTP 2. For database users, you will have to create database first in cPanel. 3. Go PhpMyAdmin > Select database that you created in cPanel > Import > Choose file > Choose the username_database.sql that you want to import.
  7. Seems he’s backup now. If you still see the server error message page then you must change the permissions of php files to 644 and all directories to 755.
  8. Escalating to our root admin to removed those for you.
  9. Too late. Already sent.
  10. @snowm: I will manually send your backup files to your current email address that we have on our system. Sending it now.
  11. I will manually send your husband’s backup files to your current email address that we have on our system. Sending it now
  12. Did you make a donation with us before? If yes, paste your gofundme email address on a new topic in the “Customer Service” category. (Not here) and our Root Admin will send you an invitation to your email address. Don’t choose Johnny because he’s our slowest server than Ricky.
  13. Thanks Luigi123So, you will need to make a request to move it back to Tommy with your old Tommy username? I do have the databases in the backup folder. Ok. No. When Tommy Server is back online, you will have to request to us in the “Customer Service” category with your old Tommy username that you would like to move your temporary account back to Tommy Server.
  14. 1. You will get full backup files that you have on your old Tommy account. 2. We will move your account back over to Tommy. Just make sure to remember your old Tommy account username when you going to make a request in the “Customer Service” category. 3. As long you still have your databases in your backup folder. Note that you need to create a database users and assign it to other databases. 4. Use a “Backup Wizard” tab and follow instructions what to do.
  15. We only deleted inactive accounts on Ricky Server that users haven’t renewed for a while after receiving an email reminder. So you’re still fine.
  16. Announcement will be made in the “News” category when all the backup files are available.
  17. Moved to Customer Service. Yes, Johnny is our slowest server. If you want, just move your account over to Ricky Server as it is a fastest server. You can make a donation on heliohost.org/donate of a minimum $1.00 to skip the line. After that, just paste your transaction ID here and our root admin will move your account in no time.
  18. It happens sometimes, nothing we can do about it. Right now, Ricky’s server load went down to normal.
  19. @thorast: Refer it here please: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/36552-help-i-need-my-backup/?do=findComment&comment=161753
  20. Just type in thorastu and your current email address on the backup system page and you will get your right backup files when it is available.
  21. Backup files isn’t available yet. Our Root Admin, Krydos is currently moving everyone’s backup files over to the backup system at heliohost.org/backup. Announcement will be made in the “News” category when it is ready.
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