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Everything posted by yashrs

  1. Please post the following information: Your cPanel username Your main domain The server that you are on
  2. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  3. Okay, I have manually reset your password and emailed it to you.
  4. I can reset your password and send it to the email ID registered. Do you want me to do this ?
  5. I see many large images and many external requests on that website. This increases the time of your page load significantly. Try reducing the size of your images or you can use caching so that the page loads faster the next time the page is refreshed.
  6. Okay, I have manually reset your password and sent it to the email ID registered.
  7. Works:- <html> <body bgcolor="yellow"> <center> <h2>First ASPX Coding by Sagnik Ganguly</h2> <p><%= DateTime.Now.ToString() %></p> </center> </body> </html> Link:- http://yashrs.heliohost.org/aspx/sagnik.aspx
  8. Instead of this- <%Response.Write(Now())%> Use this:- <%= DateTime.Now.ToString() %> Also, please do check that the functions or anything you are using is for ASP.NET 3.5. We don't support any other version.
  9. Merged topics as duplicate. I dont know what is causing this problem. Alternately, I can reset your password manually and send it to the email id registered. Do you want me to do this?
  10. Okay, I can reset your password manually and mail you. Do you want me to do this ?
  11. Try resetting the password of your account.
  12. This will help you to trace your problem
  13. You're welcome . Glad your problem got solved. Do tell us if you have any other query.
  14. This script just works perfectly fine : http://yashrs.heliohost.org/python/sagnik.py, although you will not be able to take input from the user by raw_input() function as Python runs as CGI here.
  15. You can post the python script in the post too, or upload it to online services like pastebin, etc. Also check in your python script that you have the shebang line #!/usr/bin/python Also, the first line should be always print("Content-Type: text/html\n\n");
  16. Merged topics as they were duplicate.
  17. Please provide us the link to the Python script and also the script if possible so that we can identify you the error in your Python script.
  18. This time I will not unsuspend your account. Reason:
  19. You can use this in the .htaccess file. AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl .py .perl .ppl Options +ExecCGI
  20. Your account was suspended for having 4 cron jobs. Okay, I have unsuspended your account.
  21. There are still no forced advertisements by Heliohost on your website. Anyway, I see no ads on http://teateatea.heliohost.org/. Where did you see them ?
  22. You are seeing the queued page because that domain is set for DOT TK's forwarding. You need to set that to the HelioHost's nameservers: ->Login to your account and click edit for your site ->Select the "Custom DNS" option ->Fill in the first hostname box with ns1.heliohost.org, and the second with ns2.heliohost.org, and save that. Then give it around 24 days to resolve and your domain will be ready to go.
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