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Everything posted by yashrs

  1. Your "public_html" folder should have permissions 750. Set those permissions. Check if it works out.
  2. This is the email ID you signed up with: corvo [at] reav.tk
  3. I can manually reset the password and send it to the email ID you registered with. If you forgot the email ID you registered with, I can help you with that. I cannot change the email-id for security purposes.
  4. It is loading fine now. If you can't see, clear your cache.
  5. Topics merged because they were duplicate. I assume you are on Stevie. Please have a look at this topic: Stevie MySQL Common Questions and Problems
  6. Your username is all in lower-case. Are you typing the username all in lower-case ?
  7. Your account was suspended for inactivity, because you haven't logged into your account in the last 30 days. To reactivate your account, please visit http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/renew. To prevent this from happening in the future please remember to visit http://heliohost.org/ to log into your account at least once every 30 days. If you are still seeing the Account Suspended page after renewing your account, please clear your cache. Also, for changing the main domain, visit this link Change Main Domain
  8. It's supposed to get deleted if inactive for 30 days. Not sure how long it is now but I wouldn't risk waiting over 30 days before I renewed my account. Oops, my bad ! My account wasn't deleted for eight months, so I said so.
  9. Yes. Also, logging in just once a month isn't a great deal. If you are marked inactive, you can renew here -http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/renew.php
  10. No there is nothing like that. But you need to just log in once in 30 days to your cPanel to keep your website or else you will be marked inactive.
  11. Just make a account on websites that offer free MySQL Databases like http://db4free.net. While entering the host, instead of localhost, enter the IP or domain of your MySQL provider.
  12. You need to wait till Java gets activated on your account, after that you can post request for WAR file deployment.
  13. Okay, I have reset your password and emailed it to you.
  14. Your account is not suspended, so you should be able to login now. I cannot see the cron jobs set by you. Just see that you have cron jobs that don't execute more than two cron jobs per day.
  15. You were suspended for the same reason again. I have unsuspended your account, please remove the cron jobs as soon as possible or you will get suspended again.
  16. This support request is being escalated to our root admin. @Krydos, There is no DNS record for photoncoin.tk in our nameservers :- http://bybyron.net/cgi-bin/heliohost-dig.pl?domain=photoncoin.tkwhat=helio I guess that there is some problem here. We need to manually add that entry here(tell me if I am wrong).
  17. You were suspended for having four cron job execution. Okay, I have unsuspended your account. The limit is two cron job per day.
  18. Yeah, you can go ahead and do it. Also, if you want, I can escalate this issue to our root admin.
  19. There is no record for photoncoin.tk in our nameservers, so there is some problem here. http://bybyron.net/cgi-bin/heliohost-dig.pl?domain=photoncoin.tk&what=helio
  20. Your account was suspended for the following reason: Malware. 1 file(s). /home1/c0rs0/public_html/www/vqdzqhlm.php For your safety and to protect your website from potential further corruption the account has been suspended. To find the infected files we recommend making a backup of your site, download the backup file to your computer, and scan the backup using a reputable virus and malware scanner. If you're having trouble locating the offending files please ask and we can provide more information. If you are you certain that it is a false-positive, we strongly encourage you to file a false positive form here: http://cgi.clamav.net/sendvirus.cgi Your account should be unsuspended now, but keep in mind that this is a temporary unsuspension. You have 24 hours starting at the time of this post to clean your account of any and all malicious files or your account will be resuspended.
  21. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  22. Java is not activated instantly on your account:-
  23. Please clear your cache.
  24. You can switch to Stevie if you don't need programming languages like ASP.NET, Java, or Ruby. Stevie has much lower server load than Johnny most of the time.
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