Our server monitor shows that Stevie has been slightly more stable than Johnny (the other server that hosts accounts). Please check our server monitor at http://heliohost.grd.net.pl/monitor/ to view statistics.
Entries for the HelioHost Website Competition - April 2012 are now closed. Thanks to all who participated. Please vote for your favorite website here. Good luck to all the entrants!
I changed the email on klinkz and deleted klinkz2. I manually overrided the klinkz verification so you should be able to log in immediately (just make sure your email is correct)
The best way to tell if you are going to have a problem is simply to use your site as usual. If you are suspended, then you just have to figure out a way to reduce your usage. You are given three chances before your account is permanently suspended.
Please acknowledge that you understand that your account will not be unsuspended a third time so that I can unsuspend you now. Also, I suggest taking a backup of your site just in case.