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Everything posted by cl58

  1. cl58


    To run a perl script on heliohost, does it have to be in the cgi-bin directory?
  2. Bluesinjid: just as an FYI, co.cc domains are technically not TLD's, which is what, I believe, Wizard was referring to. Anyway, best of luck with your TLD or "TLD"
  3. I am trying to create http://mail.cl58tools.co.cc for my domain, www.cl58tools.co.cc through my cPanel, http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/...main/index.html to be exact. I put in "mail" in the first box and left the second text box as-is to have the subdomains directory be ./public_html/mail and then pressed CREATE. After some loading, cPanel came back with the following message. . I click Go Back because I also want to add logs.cl58tools.co.cc and services.cl58tools.co.cc , but on the subdomains page, the list said: instead of showing mail.cl58tools.co.cc. Figuring there was an error in cPanel, I went to the newly created subdomain only to see a HelioHost Account Queued page (http://mail.cl58tools.co.cc/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi). My TLD is fine, but creating subdomains will not work.
  4. cl58


    So all perl files have to go in the cgi-bin directory?
  5. cl58


    Without Shell, though, how do you run the script/file?
  6. cl58


    Does HelioHost have shell/ssh access. If not, is there another way to run a perl script?
  7. Going back to the site and reading about ASP.NET, you boast that you are one of the few free hosts that offer the scripting service, so it is pretty important to say that you don't have it.
  8. cl58

    E-Mail Server

    Yes, the email server URL is mail.[domain].[url-suffix] (example- mail.domain.com ). That is used to set up an email client or if you are installing squirrel, atmail, roundcube, horde, etc.
  9. If you (Byron) have access to change the heliohost site, I recommend adding a notice on the asp.net portion of the display box on the homepage that it is currently unavailable. If you do not have access, disregard this .
  10. I completely understand, but you should at least make note of the fact that it is temporarily disabled somewhere on the homepage.
  11. I have read this on many topics here. However, the HelioHost website advertises (very noticeably, I might add) that you "are one of the very few free webhosts on the web to offer ASP.NET 2.0 scripting with our free hosting package."
  12. The server won't allow a fresh phpbb install. You have to use Fantastico? I am new to this server, and all others that I have used don't seem to care.
  13. I tried to sign up for hosting today. I filled out the form and made sure everything was correct. It was. I went to submit the form and I got the Daily signup limit reached error. However, I have only tried signing up once today. I will try again tomorrow, but can this issue be fixed? (I'm not sure if this should be here or under Customer Support, so if it's in the wrong category, sorry)
  14. You can install any script using FTP. In fact, I prefer standard FTP over auto-installers. As far as forums go, you should check out MyBB. I use that and it's great.
  15. cl58


    Why is that? Does it put a heavy load on the server? As far as I know it's allowed but if you load the server heavily your account will be suspended. Honestly, I don't know why they ban it. With this said, I will go ahead and try. If it puts on a heavy load, I will stop. Thanks
  16. cl58


    Are IRC Perl scripts allowed to run on HelioHost sites? My site is not only going to be a file-hosting repository (it is a real site), but I want to run an IRC log bot built on Perl. Many hosts do not allow IRC/bot scripts so I want to check before doing anything.
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