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Everything posted by cl58

  1. cl58

    Help With Dns

    Just so you know, after following Tjoene's directions, it may take up to 48 hours to take effect (though it often takes less).
  2. Your account has been deleted (most likely due to your account inactivity). Unfortunately, there is no way for us to recover your data. I hope you have it backed up.
  3. /path_to_joomla/templates/ Refer to http://docs.joomla.org/Installing_a_template for more information.
  4. Individual users cannot edit the php.ini file as that affects all users server-wide. If what you want it changed to won't negatively affect the server overall, we may be able to change it for you. Please provide more information (including your server).
  5. Just for reference, I found this: http://adblockdetector.com/
  6. It would not be moral to block access to the site completely if using an ad blocker (personally, if it was like that when I first signed up, I would have left and found another host), but there would be no harm in a simple message saying something like: "HelioHost is funded entirely through advertisements on this site and donations. Please disable your ad blocker to help support HelioHost"
  7. cl58

    Extended Downtime

    We have already done a reboot which did not solve the problem.
  8. For more information and to post any replies about this, please go to the news topic at http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/11044-extended-downtime/ Closing.
  9. Works fine for me. Please clear your cache.
  10. I've been on it since July (during the beta period). I like it a lot better than Facebook, but it just hasn't gotten popular enough to completely replace Facebook. On a side note, HelioHost is on Google+ - Add us to your circles!
  11. Host: ftp.[YOURDOMAN] Port: 21 Username: [CPANELUSERNAME]@[YOURDOMAIN] Password: [CPANELPASSWORD] Be sure to change [YOURDOMAIN], [CPANELUSERNAME], and [CPANELPASSWORD] with the correct information. @Krydos: It should be FTP on port 21, not SFTP
  12. HelioHost is now on Google+! You can add us to your circles by going to https://plus.google....33050903410191/ or by using the widget at the bottom of the HelioHost homepage. You can also +1 us from either location to help support HelioHost. Of course, be sure to follow us on Twitter for important service announcements: @heliohost
  13. In the future, please post topics in this forum in the proper format explained on the topic list page. Failure to do so may result in your topic being closed and problem not being resolved.
  14. You will find no lies in our benefits/guarantees. As Tjoene said, our hosting is free and will always remain free.
  15. cl58

    Ns Records?

    NS records can be changed with your domain registrar only - not your host. If you are using a *.heliohost.org domain, then you cannot change those nameservers as it is a subdomain of heliohost.org.
  16. Actually, it is preferred that you sign in from the bottom of HelioHost.org in most cases. We are just having some intermittent issues with that form.
  17. Have you changed the name servers of appseresvivos.pt to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org? Have you waited 24-48 hours?
  18. That's a 404 error. It just means the file does not exist.
  19. FTP has nothing to do with the monthly cPanel requirement.
  20. Have you tried clearing your cache? Both sites are working fine for me. See if you can log in at http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/
  21. Currently you have the following processes running: PID TTY TIME CMD 1164 ? 00:00:00 cpsrvd-ssl 1165 ? 00:00:00 cpsrvd-ssl 1820 ? 00:00:00 cpsrvd-ssl 1827 ? 00:00:00 cpsrvd-ssl 1831 ? 00:00:00 cpsrvd-ssl FTP can use a lot of processes while making transfers so I really wouldn't worry about it. Just wait a bit after making a transfer to allow all processes to end. If you want, you can post when you are on FTP and an admin can check your processes. Unfortunately, you cannot view your own process (as far as I know).
  22. That is almost definitely because of the co.cc domain. I have had problems with the domain before. I can assure you that there is no malware hosted anywhere on my site.
  23. Your account has been unsuspended. Please clear out old files as soon as possible.
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