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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. We don't sell domains. Entering it as I show in that picture is how you link a domain you own already. If it's not working for some reason just create the account using a free subdomain and post the custom domain you want to use here, I'll change it on my end for you
  2. I was able to type in mycustom.com just fine using Chrome 112 on Windows 10. Also, 4 other users had no issues creating accounts in the past 24 hours either... Can you post a picture of what you're experiencing?
  3. Been a while since I've looked at that page, but you should be able to enter the full domain in the text box next to the drop down...
  4. Please check the email address associated with the account for a link to reset your password.
  5. Changed. It can take up to 2 hours to take effect. You will also need to update your DNS by creating an A record pointed to or setting the domains name servers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org before it will work.
  6. Renewed. This has been happening to users a lot lately it seems. Sometimes it spits out the error but actually renews, other times trying again later works. It's probably load related...
  7. Do you want it added as a second domain, or do you want mgpowersports.helioho.st replaced with it?
  8. Your IP got blocked for setting a mail client up wrong. Check or disable your email client. Tommy 2023-04-21 00:15:27 5 in the last 3600 secs (imapd) Failed IMAP login US/United States/cpe-.neo.res.rr.com
  9. I created new.py that's showing a test message. https://habladi.helioho.st/cgi-bin/new.py There are multiple issues with the index.py script you originally had, notably these: The line to import pyinfo was failing for some reason. It's acting like that module isn't available. The file permissions were wrong (need to be 755). Your line endings were not unix style. Since the pyinfo didn't work, I just made a second file with the test message. I did fix the line endings and permissions on the index.py but it didn't help.
  10. Changed. It can take up to 2 hours to work. If you haven't already, be sure to update your DNS as well. You can either use our name servers with your domain (ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org) or if you use external DNS, you can create an A record pointed to
  11. Done. You'll need to create an A record pointed to and wait up to 2 hours before it will work.
  12. Use the server host name (e.g. johnny.heliohost.org) instead, it is more compatible and is required with external DNS that proxies connections (CF...). Services like CF return their own IP instead of the server if you don't have it in dns only mode, and their proxy does not pass raw TCP connections through it.
  13. Deleted and invite sent. Please check your email. Note that it might be in your spam folder since you use gmail...
  14. Keep in mind you're only allowed one account, so if you have donated to move to Tommy, you'll need to delete your Johnny account. Also, if your Paypal email is the same as your Johnny account, you'll never receive the invite (we'd need to delete the Johnny account and invite you manually if this is the case). If this happens, post your donation transaction info and give approval to delete the Johnny account and we'll get it taken care of for you.
  15. 2023-04-24 03:37:35 Error 500 GET /info3.10.py HTTP/1.0 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/112.0 1.53 K Apache SSL/TLS access 2023-04-24 03:37:35 Error End of script output before headers: info3.10.py Apache error Likely a file issue, probably either a bad shebang line or your files have Windows line endings instead of Unix ones. It's hard to troubleshoot this when you deleted the files though... Please delete the Laravel install that's currently in your httpdocs folder and put the code back if you would like us to troubleshoot it for you.
  16. That explains why... Invited. Keep in mind it may go to spam since the address is Gmail. Let us know if you can't find it.
  17. Yeah that's a known issue, we can't take recurring payments from India due to their unusual banking regulations. Krydos can generate a link for a one-time payment that will work in India. We also take crypto using any of the wallets shown here: https://heliohost.org/donate/ (You'll need to let us know if you donate that way so we can go find the payment) Keep in mind that Krydos might require users doing non-recurring payments to purchase 6 months at a time due to the fact we have to manually process it (normally it's all automated, but the automation requires the recurring subscription that doesn't work).
  18. Sent. Please check your email for the link.
  19. On a VPS, it can be anything you want including Plesk. Just keep in mind though that Plesk is not free, so on top of your VPS you'd need to pay a monthly fee for a license for it separately. There are plenty of free control panels though that won't need a separate license. See this topic from a while back:
  20. Donor sign up is 1GB unless the donation is $6 or more ($5 per 1000MB, so $1 for the account + $5 for the extra space). If you purchased extra space for your old account, we can add it back to your new one if you post the transaction ID of the donation that gave it to you. Out of curiosity, why do you want an account on Tommy so badly when Johnny is actually better than Tommy right now and will work with your backups? I'd be glad to just invite you to Johnny for free (and said above, we can move you to Tommy later at no cost when it becomes an option).
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