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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. OK, guess I'll wait it out. Thanks for the fast reply!
  2. I registered for an account on Oct 22. I understand that there are server issues with registrations, but haven't seen posts quite like my issue. Most seem to be that people's domains are dead and they can't log in. After waiting several days, my sub-domain became active on the 27th. Since then, I have been able to see a directory listing of the root. However, even though the actual site appears functional, I still can't access cPanel to set it up. Is the account not fully set up yet or is there something wrong with it? I would have thought the cPanel account would activate at the same time the site did. Here's my details: Username: wolstech Domain: wolstech.heliohost.org (still showing a directory listing of the root as of 11/2.) Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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