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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. You asked this question here: https://helionet.org/index/topic/57644-i-have-purchased-a-domain-name-and-ive-donated-for-a-tommy-account-how-do-i-sign-in-and-activate-my-accountweb-site/ This section of the forum is not for support.
  2. WordPress struggles to run here because of how poorly it's written, especially when plugins are used. Usually WP sites just cause load to the point you end up suspended, but sometimes the pages take long enough that the nginx gateway times out waiting for Apache, which means your WP install is so bloated from extensions that the pages can't even generate in 30 seconds. Start by removing all of your extensions and testing it. Vanilla tends to run decently. Then add them back one at a time. WooCommerce, WordFence, and Elementor are some extensions well known for causing load and performance issues, but there are plenty of others as well... The best solution is to replace WP with different software, but that may not be an option for you.
  3. You received an email with a link to create the tommy account. It looks like you didn't complete the creation process and abandoned it about an hour and a half ago without entering a domain. Click the email link again and complete the registration. Enter the domain without the www. and make sure you specify its a custom domain. If you can't get it to work, you can just take one of our subdomains for now and we can add the domain you bought to the account once the account is set up. After that, you need to set the name servers of the domain to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org (you do this at your domain registrar), and wait up to 2 hours for the site to be set up.
  4. Someone resuspended you for the load because the deny from all had been commented out (Krydos had mentioned doing that when I asked about the Apache page, which is unusual for a deny from all...we think that's related to the fact you're a transfer account) Unsuspended and site blocked again. Please remove the WP site quickly.
  5. There was maintenance to MySQL that would’ve caused this. That maintenance has completed.
  6. That whole page is stale. Ricky no longer exists, tommy moved hostnames and ports, and cPanel isn't used any more...yeah someone should rewrite that. Thanks for pointing it out. Let us know if you need anything else
  7. Space added. Thank you for the donation Limit is 6000MB / $25 now. That was changed a while back during the last fundraiser.
  8. Yep. The tommy.heliohost.org address was the old cPanel box that doesn't exist anymore, it's tommy2.heliohost.org for the Plesk box.
  9. Escalating because I suspect there may be a larger issue with your domain still showing a default webpage instead of the 403 error I'd expect of that deny from all statement...
  10. Not sure what's going on with this one. It's there and enabled, DNS looks fine, and I'm seeing a default webpage as well. Second account today to do this. Escalating.
  11. Please check your email for a link to set up a fresh account. You can choose a new username as part of the process, and resetting an account automatically deletes all domains on the account.
  12. Unsuspended. I've added "deny from all" to the htaccess in the public_html folder for you to disable the website. It may take up to 2 hours for everything to settle as the domains look to be pending an apache restart at the moment (currently returning default webpage).
  13. The server you are currently on already supports both of these. Node can be set up from plesk, and python you just...use. There is no control panel for Python. https://wiki.helionet.org/tutorials/node.js I'll have to dig around for Python instructions, the wiki has an outdated tutorial for our old cpanel servers still.
  14. If you're suspended, you can't log in, and any attempt to do so won't count. If you remain suspended for 30 (might be 60?) days, your account and its content is permanently deleted. If you aren't ready to fix it, the best course of action would be to unsuspend it but block the website with .htaccess so it can't be accessed and won't cause load. That way you can still log in to keep the account alive. Do you want me to do that? As for caching, if you're using WP and have dynamic content, caching will help a lot less than if the site is mostly static pages. You can't cache dynamic content since it has to run on every page load in order for it to be current.
  15. Please check your email for a link to reset your password.
  16. Removed. Please let us know if you need anything else
  17. I already answered this in your original post. You're suspended for having more than one account. https://helionet.org/index/topic/57593-solved-me-suspendieron-por-error/ You have 5 accounts.
  18. Domain added. That will take up to 2 hours to work. Please ensure DNS is configured by pointing the name servers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org, or by using A and AAAA records pointed to the IP addresses shown in Plesk. Deleting a domain also deletes the document root for the domain and all of its content. Do you want to back up any of the files before I remove these?
  19. Domain recpla.ga and its content has been removed.
  20. Not at this time. Most of our users who need this use Cloudflare and point their domains to our server using an A and AAAA record instead. Please note that if you're using one of our subdomains on your account, there simply is no solution at the moment as those cannot be used with CF.
  21. Marking solved because you created a new account discocyber27 instead of keeping one of these two. EDIT: Apparently I had missed a few, as you actually have 5, not 3. They're now all suspended including the one you created last night. You are allowed ONE account. Stop creating new ones as they're only going to get you suspended. Which one do you actually want to use?
  22. Please check your email for a link to reset your password. If you know your current password and are able to log in, you can also change this yourself in Plesk by clicking your username in the upper right and selecting "Edit profile".
  23. Please check your email for a link to reset your password.
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