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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. @bdistler: He's on Johnny, the add probably timed out and left a half-added domain. Very common due to the load. He wouldn't have even gotten a partial add if he had a name server issue. As for this issue, escalating so Krydos can fix the domain (account is shedo on Johnny).
  2. Escalating so this can be deployed. Krydos is the person who does this.
  3. 1. War files have to be deployed by a root admin, and while I'm not sure, I think they can only be deployed on your main domain (the domain that points to public_html). The file needs to go in your home folder (the folder that your public_html folder is inside of) and the name is case sensitive. Please be aware when deployed, it will be in a subfolder with your username and _ prepended. InterestWar.jar would become yourdomain.tld/divyans_InterestWar/ online. 2. You have to ask for a re-deploy. You can't see the deployed files. 3. No limit. 4. Yes. When you request redeploy, the first one is removed and replaced with it.
  4. The root admin will post here when he unarchives it.
  5. Escalating to have it unarchived. @Krydos: He's egabren1 on Tommy.
  6. You're suspended for having two accounts. You're only allowed one. The account iamlara2 has been unsuspended.
  7. Did the reboot fail? The cPanel and FTP never went down as I'd expect to see for a Johnny reboot (I know Tommy is too fast to see on the monitor, but this is Johnny we're talking about, he's not exactly known for being prompt when it comes to restarting things).
  8. It should show an estimate in the Java section of cPanel. Usually its a few days at most on Tommy.
  9. That's the current wait time. We don't allow people to skip the queue to get Java, even if they've had it before and lost it. If you do not wish to wait, you'll need to move to Tommy where the wait time is typically only a few days (if not hours).
  10. Title says it all. Apache is down on Johnny (and has been for the past several hours based on the monitor). Can you take a look at this?
  11. 1. Yes. 2. No, but if you're on Tommy, it will install itself on its own, so you'e getting it anyway. You don't need to do anything. 3. No we don't support Oracle, but MySQL is the closet you'll get to it (in fact, it's made by the same company). You can create your databases now, no need to wait for Java. 4. You'll probably want mysql, which is the more common of the two in your list (the other being postgres). Remote MySQL is just a way to grant outside PCs (other than the hosting server) access to your mysql databases. PhpMyAdmin is a web-based GUI editor for mysql databases.
  12. issue I have with that page is - it will not interface with LastPass I've noticed it will not interface with many third party programs. Chrome's own "Remember Password" works fine, but for me takes several seconds to realize it can be filled in (most sites already have the data populated by the time they're done loading).I always use the regular cP login myself. We just recommend that because for 99% of people, it works just fine. You and I are part of that 1% that needs the regular form.
  13. That account is not suspended. However, Johnny Apache is currently down, which is why that website doesn't work.
  14. Unblocked. It was for too many failed cPanel logins. Also, for most users, we recommend https://heliohost.org/login/ since it won't block you.
  15. Use the non-secure version of the website: http://heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/domain/ The classic site does not support HTTPS.
  16. What is your account's username?
  17. The whole point of a test server is to not do this. Doing so (and failing) is a terrible practice, especially since it's not an easily reversed upgrade. As to whether this can be done, escalating.
  18. Whatever it is, it's causing you to use too many resources and cannot be run here. I've given you two chances to remove this script, so now I'l have the root admin delete it for you. If you reinstall it after it is removed and get suspended again, you will be permanently suspended. Escalating. @Krydos: Please delete the offending script. He's failed to do so after two chances.
  19. Whatever script you are running is too heavy for our servers. Please remove the script immediately (based on your domain, you probably have a downloader script of some form...they are well known for getting people suspended). If you do not correct this quickly, you will be permanently suspended. Unsuspended again.
  20. @Krydos / @Byron: His hosting username is segfault matching his forum account. Escalating.
  21. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.
  22. Are you aware you can sign up for Tommy at midnight UTC? No donation required, but the spots fill quickly every day. If you can't do that and can't donate, then yes, you'll need to wait for Java. The 10 months is a worst case scenario too, so it's likely you'll get it sooner.
  23. You already have a topic open here: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/29172-my-account-has-been-flagged-as-inactive/
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