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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Actually, at this time, you must use PayPal or Skrill to donate. We've temporarily discontinued the direct card acceptance due to an issue with one of our service providers. We're working to bring this feature back, but as of now, we have no time frame for its return.
  2. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  3. You can change the main domain by using http://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/domain Moved to customer service.
  4. Unblocked. In the future, we recommend you use https://heliohost.org/login/ so you won't get blocked.
  5. Unblocked. In the future, we recommend you use https://heliohost.org/login/ so you won't get blocked.
  6. Unblocked. Also, if you use https://heliohost.org/login/ to log in, you won't get blocked for this.
  7. It sounds like what you need is a VPS. We don't offer that. Python can be a pain to work in without a shell, though plenty of others do it. Python 3.6 is very commonly used here. The trick is writing your code to work with files within your home directory, and not using packages that need root access. You won't be able to use that steem package for example, unless you can change its paths to save in your home folder. And no, you can't install packages yourself since they're a server-wide change. A root admin has to do it. You can't see the folder where they end up. You're welcome to ask for packages if you need them though.
  8. Krydos might be able to do that, I'm not sure. As for the certificate itself, what's the reason you're adamant on using an LE cert over the just-as-functional Comodo one? Most of our users had been begging us for something automatic because they didn't like dealing with renewing them.
  9. It's either tommy.heliohost.org or johnny.heliohost.org depending on which server you use.
  10. The signup resets at midnight UTC every night and fills quickly. Alternately, you can donate $1 or more and receive an invite that lets you sign up even when it's full.
  11. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  12. You jus need to wait. Krydos is the one who needs to look at this. I tried manually unsuspending you (even though you weren't suspended), but it didn't help.
  13. Was the certificate expired? If so, autossl probably replaced it with one that's not (which is the cpanel / comodo one). Autossl should not replace valid certificates it didn't issue. If it did, it might have been related to our testing of LE as an autossl provider (limit was too low, but we tried it because the comodo one was hitting what appeared to be an undocumented rate limit as people's certs expired) Comodo Autossl ones issue on their own within 24 hours when you add domains or when a preexisting domain does not have/no longer has a valid certificate, and auto-renew as they approach expiration. The Comodo certs are validly signed and won't trigger security warnings, so they're just as functional as an LE cert to an end user. You're more than welcome to replace the Comodo cert with an LE cert if you wish.
  14. This happened to someone else yesterday too. Inactivity pages have been popping up on accounts that aren't inactive Escalating so it can be fixed.
  15. I'm assuming its http://meraj.gq/ since that's the account linked to your forum profile. We don't put ads on our users pages, and I don't see any ads on that site, so it might be malware on your PC or something. Also, for what it's worth, Facebook Like bots are one of the top ways people end up suspended for high load and phishing. I recommend you not run that here.
  16. He'll need to install those most likely. As for sockets, they do, but be aware outbound connections can only be made on standard ports (21,25,80,443,etc.). We block all the others unless you specifically request them and can justify their need (we generally recommend you reconfigure your target server to use a common port instead). Inbound connections on custom ports are not permitted at all. Escalating.
  17. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  18. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  19. Try logging in here: https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/ If that doesn't work, try resetting your password here: https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/resetpass?start=1 The login form on heliohost.org is prone to failing for Johnny users during periods of high load (the website times out trying to validate your credentials against Johnny). While we normally recommend that to log in, Johnny users sometimes have a better experience using the cPanel form directly.
  20. Not sure what's wrong with this one. It's not suspended or inactive, but is showing an inactive page. Escalating.
  21. That's not what I'm seeing. I see CloudFlare at the moment, it was ours earlier. He's gonna have to change it back either way though in order to try adding it again once Krydos clears it out.
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