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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Your account was archived because you haven't logged in for quite a while. We have a limited amount of space on our servers, and occasionally we have to remove the unused accounts to make space for new users. To prevent your account from becoming archived again please remember to log in at https://www.heliohost.org/login/ at least once every 30 days. Unarchiving...
  2. Those would far exceed our limit of 2 executions per day. The software needs to be modified so they can be called through a browser by visiting them, then we can set up external crons that can do this for you. If that's not possible, you'll need to find different software.
  3. Once we get our new server, your donation can give you double your disk space. Since your donating through PayPal/skrill though, you might need to remind us once we announce it since your name won't be on the gofundme list.
  4. Tommy requires a donation of $1 or more, please post the transaction ID so we can move you. After that, we'll need to turn on the asp.net for you as its off by default on Tommy. If you don't wish to donate, you'll need to rewrite the software for 3.5 instead.
  5. wolstech

    Please Check

    Nope. I have no idea what you would use that for or where you even came up with that subdomain. I've never seen another person create a subdomain called localhost.I've actually done this before. It's useful when testing software that expects an FQDN. Some PC software won't accept localhost because it's missing a TLD, so I toss an A record in there pointed to and end up with a "real" domain that points to localhost. Of course, hosts file could do the same thing assuming you have permission to modify it.
  6. OK. I'll move this to the escalated forum so Krydos can take another look for you
  7. We don't officially provide support for configurations using delegated subdomains. Please change the nameservers on the root domain (gustavolobato.com) to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. A lot of...weird...things can happen when other name servers are used, even if it otherwise works. Once everything is working, you can try changing them back. Be aware that any website hosted elsewhere that appears at gustavolobato.com will go down for the duration and show queued unless you change your main domain again to cover the entire domain (which will break the Java support again). CloudFlare is infamous for this, but other DNS systems could cause similar issues.
  8. Postgres does not allow remote access by default. It has to be enabled per-database by an admin. If you need it, post the database name and the IP address needing access (or that you want connections from any IP). For scripts running on the server, use localhost.
  9. It was for failed cPanel logins. If you use https://heliohost.org/login/ this won't happen. Unblocked.
  10. That's WordPress being misconfigured. You need to reconfigure your WordPress to use the new domain. The site url can be changed in the Wordpress settings, but you may need to edit your links and menus to use the new domain as well.
  11. Thank you for the donation! Are you saying you did not receive your tommy account invitation? If so, post the transaction number for your first donation and I'll resend it to you. They love to end up in spam...
  12. Johnny accounts don't delete instantly, and the DNS can take a little while to update. Give it an hour or two, then clear your browser cache and flush your OS's dns cache. The DNS change can take up to 24 hours, our system should update them racer wuickly but the rest of the world takes time due to stale caches needing to expire. If it still doesn't work after that, let us know and we'll look into it further.
  13. Works for me as well. I see this: https://imgur.com/a/i6wQT If you can't access it, your computer or network connection is the problem.
  14. This is normal. There is no way to see it, though you can post here and ask and Krydos can get the information for you.
  15. There's nobody to talk to. Google (like most gigantic tech companies, Microsoft is also known for this...) has virtually 0 technical support for this sort of issue. We don't have any idea what these two companies do differently that breaks them when everyone else's mail service works fine with our servers. The odd part is they have no problem receiving mail from us, if I send email to gmail account using PHP mail(), I get it just fine, but they will not relay our mail. We can open a connection to them via telnet and get the hello response without issue, so they didn't block us. Django's SMTP library reportedly does work with them, though it's the only one I know of that works with gmail from our servers. It probably does something differently from the others, so it doesn't have whatever incompatibility breaks most SMTP libraries.
  16. Unblocked. It was for failed cPanel logins. I'd recommend logging in at https://heliohost.org/login so this doesn't happen again
  17. That will depend on what we end up offering, though it's possible. The new server will be Windows based, so for example if you ended up needing real ASP.NET or something else that requires a Windows server, you could request permission for a second account.
  18. We never delete accounts because of overuse. They do get suspended, though we can unsuspend them assuming you fix the problems that caused the overuse. (It is possible to get permanently suspended, but this usually happens to users who repeatedly fail to fix their resource usage issues, or who engage in something illegal like phishing or running a botnet). Currently, being a donor gives you the advantage of being able to sign up on the Tommy server, the fastest server we have. In the future, donations may also let you get additional disk space (though we can't offer this now because we don't actually have the space to give, there's a fundraiser going on to buy this extra space and a new server to go with it).
  19. Sure. I'll put a topic over in the development board, that's a better place to discuss this.
  20. I'm not sure what you mean? Do you want the domain changed to something else?
  21. Try resetting your password: https://heliohost.org/reset/ or https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/ and click the reset option. Johnny is also seeing high load right now, so you may need to try again later. The domain probably won't work though even when you get logged in. That domain is banned for phishing.
  22. The arabic language is likely not supported because of the wrong character set. Our server defaults to UTF-8 (or perhaps Latin1) I believe. Krydos is the one who would know about why the remote access isn't working. Moving.
  23. The stats viewer we're using on the back end is eventually going to be public as a score card of sorts (we're aiming for a "competitive mining" sort of thing). In the meantime, I suppose I could put a tool that lets you type a username and see the amount earned.
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