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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. You can only have one account. If I unarchive this, your Johnny account will get suspended. Do you want to continue?
  2. The way our firewall controls are, I have no way of unblocking by range, so there's no way to do this easily. I can't just mass-remove entire ranges, I have to go one by one on the list and delete each IP that falls in one of those ranges. I've removed a large group of them that came from the 162.158 range and the 172.64 range though, mostly blocked for cPanel or mail server logins. Does it work now?
  3. wolstech

    cPanel API

    TIL they have a free development license. Still requires a static IP though I think...which means it won't run on most home connections. I wonder if Krydos could get us a developer license once we get the NAS installed. I'm gonna have a need for one anyway so I can build and test extensions to make Tommy control Lily. Johnny was originally the sandbox server for this sort of stuff, but since it's kind of become overrun with users, actually testing on it is...sort of nonviable. A dedicated VM with a dev license wouldn't have that problem simply because its license would keep it from being used in production.
  4. It was blocked for DoS. It's not something you did, but rather our firewall being extra sensitive due to an ongoing attack on Johnny. Unblocked.
  5. I see the new miner. It hasn't started mining yet so it has no data available, but I'll keep an eye on it.
  6. wolstech

    cPanel API

    Honestly, I don't think this is a project we need right now. I'd rather see you finish the wiki, scoreboards, and other projects you've started first before trying to start yet another one.
  7. wolstech

    cPanel API

    Why are you trying to reinvent the wheel? A better way to do this would be to build a theme for cPanel (which is a pain in the rear, and would also require you have a local cPanel server to test on...cPanel is not cheap, even for a development license). Also, the original HelioPanel didn't use the cPanel API. It used cURL to automate the user interface for the one or two things it did.
  8. That's in ETN too, which is like $0.02 each. The market's in the toilet. Also, I just checked his miner. He's no longer mining properly because his PC or internet connection is too slow for the latest assignment that went out last week as a required update. It kept stalling and HelioMine exits before it can even attempt to start, which is usually a sign the PC is too busy or not fast enough to work on it. I moved him back to a more tolerant assignment, but output will likely continue to suffer unless he gets a much more powerful PC.
  9. wolstech

    cPanel API

    I actually have the source for the original HelioPanel (it lived on a former root admin's account on Stevie back when he wasn't an ESX box)...I found it when I downloaded his backup to restore a bunch of other stuff that broke during the Stevie crash. The options seen when you sign into https://heliohost.org/login/ are the same choices HelioPanel gave you (or in fact, there's actually more on the new one). The HelioHost tools page is basically HelioPanel v2...it was meant to consolidate the various scripts we had laying around on the classic site...of course we still use the domain and delete script to this day...).
  10. wolstech

    cPanel API

    The API likely has very limited use to normal users, and while I don't believe we intentionally block it, we do discourage its use. The last time I played with it (trying to create databases programmatically), there was no good way for non-admins to get the required tokens.
  11. He should be able to use the forgot password on the forum if he can't log in. His username should match his hosting account.
  12. You have to request it and wait in line again. We can't just give it back because as soon as you lose it, you slot is given someone else.
  13. Yeah, that report is stale...it only took them 6 weeks to send it to us. We usually ignore the report if it's a bunch at the same time right around the suspension being fixed since we know we get several for one account in many cases, but an abuse report arriving from 6 weeks ago is a bit ridiculous. We get so many of these that we just look for the sending account, suspend it, and move on. You're correct in that this issue has already been fixed if you've removed the offending extension since this report was generated.
  14. Huh, I thought I responded to this at 5:30 this morning. Wonder where my post went...
  15. It was hmdrest1_fatblanket02 based on the picture of the error in his original post.
  16. Be sure the link you're using doesn't end in .html when you log in. If it does, it's not going to count. You need to use either https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/ (with nothing after the / ) or https://heliohost.org/login/ if you want it to count.
  17. Your account was suspended for inactivity, because you haven't logged into your account in the last 30 days. To reactivate your account, please visit http://www.heliohost.org/renew. To prevent this from happening in the future please remember to visit https://heliohost.org/ to log into your account at least once every 30 days. If you are still seeing the Account Suspended page after renewing your account, please clear your cache.
  18. The restoration of this account failed. Moving so Krydos can look at it. @Krydos: See the admin section for the logs.
  19. Go to the zone editor for bailey.guru and add an A record labeled deflect with its value pointed to the external IP. If you mean use alternate entire DNS servers for the subdomain, you can't. That's called subdomain delegation, cPanel doesn't support it (it can be done using CloudFlare, though you're then stuck managing your DNS manually when you add subdomains and such here).
  20. Johnny is famous for this sort of thing... Krydos will probably need to remove it manually if adding the subdomain didn't fix it. Moving and unsolving so he can take a look at this.
  21. This is intentionally disabled due to a history of abuse (botnets and copyright infringement). You'll need to find different software.
  22. It was for failed imap logins. Check that your mail client has the proper credentials in it. Unblocked.
  23. This usually happens when you use the wrong link to sign in. If you use ANY link ending in .html, your logins don't count. The only two links that will count a login for you are https://heliohost.org/login/ or https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/ (make sure there's no file path after the port number).
  24. It's suspended for sending spam. This usually means we receiced an abuse report for your account, though I can't seem to find it at the moment. If I find it, I'll post it for you. Please be sure that your site doesn't send any emails that users may consider spam. Unsuspended.
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