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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Honestly, I don't think anyone here knows. Nobody here (including us) really know much about Java programming. The only example that we know works is the dummy MyHelioServlet that's floating around (search the forum for it). I know several users on here do use Java successfully though. Perhaps one of them would know why this doesn't work for you.
  2. That's why. The username for that account is skits, and it's on Ricky. I'll renew it when I get to a PC.
  3. When you say the domain doesn't work, what exactly are you having problems with? The domain is working for me. I see a directory listing with a folder containing a broken joomla install (database error, either you didn't restore the DB or you didn't edit the config file to point to the new DB). If you're seeing a DNS error or queued page, clear your cache. If you really want to, you can delete your account and sign up again to get a new account: http://heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/delete
  4. Unless you were archived at the time of the crash, all Johnny accounts were deleted during the rebuild. Please sign up again. The contents of the old account may be available from https://heliohost.org/backup/
  5. Drop a .py in your cgi-bin folder, grant it execute permissions, and visit it in your browser. If you look around on here, you'll find the correct shebang lines for the various versions of python available. Django requires 3.6, but 2.7 is also available.
  6. They don’t get installed and have no visible options. You just use them. Our wiki and forums have a few different posts on these (Django especially). If you have questions, ask away!
  7. That account has been restored. You should now be able to log in and your website should start working within the next 2 hours.
  8. It is, I'm just not at a computer with an ssh client at the moment to restore it...I should be able to restore in a little while once I get to my pc.
  9. FileZilla has a recursive permissions set option if you use that client. Right click the *folder containing the files*, then pick file permissions. Specify the 644, and pick "apply to files only" to recursively change the files without affecting the directories. Then repeat for directories only to make those 755. You can also use unencrypted ftp to upload the whole structure and it'd be 644 by default and not need fixing. The 664 issue is specific to SFTP.
  10. Did you change the permissions on the folder where the logs are being stored? Tomcat doesn't run as your user, so it doesn't have permission to save stuff in your home folder unless you grant "other users" write permissions. Try making that log folder's permissions 756 instead of 750.
  11. Any PHP file will produce that error if its permissions are not 644, even if the file is completely empty. All PHP files inside public_html need to be 644. Folders inside of public_html should be 755. The public_html folder itself should be left at its default (750). When you upload files over SFTP, they default to 664, note the center 6. Change that to 644 and it'll work.
  12. Yeah, bots need to be careful on our service. While they're not outright banned, certain types are. https://wiki.helionet.org/Terms Botnets (both parts, the control server and the bot) fall under #1. This is actually one of the big reasons why ioncube is not supported anymore. Most botnet sellers use it to protect their scripts, so by not supporting it, most botnets can't even run here (the other reason for ioncube's ban was frequent and repeated piracy of WHMCS, a paid data management system). Facebook/instagram likebots, and similar scripts have their own bullet (#5), which basically bans any social media script that's abusive to or against the TOS of the service they automate. Facebook and Instagram both prohibit buying/selling likes or follows or using bots to unfairly obtain them, so those bots are all prohibited. We do allow chat bots though. These are typically just for entertainment or to distribute canned responses to people seeking information, so they're generally not harmful and are rarely if ever banned by the service on which they operate. Some services like Discord are intentionally designed for bot support.
  13. Postgres may just be broken then. Let's have Krydos take a look. Also what does this bot do anyway?
  14. Unblocked. It was for failed SFTP logins, so you probably need to check the password in your FTP client.
  15. Looking at the error log shows Postgres errors. Did you change php versions by chance? The errors in question are undefined function errors for the pg_connect() function, which means the Postgres module isn’t loaded in php for some reason.
  16. It's caused by cloudflare. CF breaks a significant number of features on our service because it replaces our dns servers, and our systems can only update our own dns servers when you do things like add domains. You need to either remove cloudflare, or manually add a CNAME record to the dns zone on cloudflare's site. Name it sie-cuh, point it to armsis.tk
  17. Do you mean you can't add the domain, or the option is missing? If the option is missing, it's because it's called Aliases now.
  18. CPU and RAM limits are not increasable.
  19. It's not that we won't help, we just have no idea since we run Apache and have never used nginx...
  20. Yeah, they can end up that way on tommy. It's to do with going inactive and renewing yourself.
  21. FTP and cloudflare are not compatible with each other. Remove cloudflare and ftp through your domain name will work. Alternately, use Johnny.heliohost.org as the host name.
  22. That account cannot be restored because it was deleted for disk space. A Tommy invitation has been sent to the address on file so you can create a new account.
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