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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. Just nuke everything inside of public_html (don't delete the folder itself) at this point. Odds are there's a backdoor installed somewhere. Also, if you don't have time to fix this now, I can suspend you if you'd like, until you are ready to fix it.
  2. Unblocked. It was for failed SFTP logins.
  3. That's because of an ongoing DDoS attack on our server. I've changed a setting on your account to mitigate the effect of the attack your account and it should start working in the next few hours. EDIT: Nevermind...it failed. Because the DNS updated, I'm not sure if httpd.conf will fix itself when it's next rebuilt or not...Lets have Krydos look at this. Changed all instances of [] -> [] in myfirstwordpress.heliohost.org Changed all instances of [] -> [] in chucachan.ga The system updated “23” entry. Updating httpd.conf....ERROR: Cpanel::Exception::Timeout/(XID shnkpu) The system failed to lock the file “/etc/apache2/conf/httpd.conf” after 301 seconds. at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Exception/CORE.pm line 336. Cpanel::Exception::create("Timeout", "The system failed to lock the file \x{e2}\x{80}\x{9c}[_1]\x{e2}\x{80}\x{9d} after [quant,_2"..., ARRAY(0x4a41d30)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Exception.pm line 61 Cpanel::Exception::__ANON__(__CPANEL_HIDDEN__, __CPANEL_HIDDEN__..., ARRAY(0x4a41d30)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/SafeFile.pm line 729 Cpanel::SafeFile::_timeout_exception("/etc/apache2/conf/httpd.conf", 301) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/SafeFile.pm line 761 Cpanel::SafeFile::_die_if_file_is_flocked_cuz_already_waited_a_while("/etc/apache2/conf/httpd.conf", 301) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/SafeFile.pm line 829 Cpanel::SafeFile::_lock_wait("/etc/apache2/conf/httpd.conf") called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/SafeFile.pm line 355 Cpanel::SafeFile::_safelock("/etc/apache2/conf/httpd.conf") called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/SafeFile.pm line 558 Cpanel::SafeFile::_safe_open(undef, 66, "/etc/apache2/conf/httpd.conf", CODE(0x4a41a90), "safesysopen") called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/SafeFile.pm line 208 eval {...} called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/SafeFile.pm line 207 Cpanel::SafeFile::safesysopen(undef, "/etc/apache2/conf/httpd.conf", 66, 384) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/SafeFile.pm line 121 Cpanel::SafeFile::safesysopen_no_warn_on_fail(undef, "/etc/apache2/conf/httpd.conf", 66, 384) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Transaction/File/Base.pm line 137 Cpanel::Transaction::File::Base::new("Cpanel::Transaction::File::Raw", "path", "/etc/apache2/conf/httpd.conf") called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Transaction.pm line 20 eval {...} called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Transaction.pm line 20 Cpanel::Transaction::get_httpd_conf() called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/HttpUtils/Config/Apache.pm line 73 Cpanel::HttpUtils::Config::Apache::new("Cpanel::HttpUtils::Config::Apache") called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Accounts/SiteIP.pm line 256 eval {...} called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Accounts/SiteIP.pm line 256 Whostmgr::Accounts::SiteIP::set("nicu", "", "") called at whostmgr/bin/whostmgr2.pl line 8674 main::dochangeip("changeip") called at whostmgr/bin/whostmgr2.pl line 8846 main::changeip("changeip") called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Dispatch.pm line 227 Whostmgr::Dispatch::_do_call("changeip", HASH(0x4a70518), HASH(0x4a406f8)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Dispatch.pm line 144 Whostmgr::Dispatch::dispatch("changeip", 1, ARRAY(0x4a798c8)) called at whostmgr/bin/whostmgr2.pl line 979 And a subsequent attempt at changing it again threw error: The remote dns zone is not consistent with the httpd.conf. The current ip in httpd.conf is: The current ip in the dns zone is:! will be switched to the new ip as well! The local dns zone is not consistent with the httpd.conf. The current ip in httpd.conf is: The current ip in the dns zone is:! will be switched to the new ip as well! Warning, serious database inconsistency. httpd.conf, local dns, and remote dns all have different ideas about what the ip address of this site really is. They will now all be changed to the new ip:! changezoneip requires the “sourceip” and “destip” to be different: “”
  4. I'll move this so he looks at it. He'll post when its enabled.
  5. It can be made to work, but doing so will break the non-HTTPS access. You can't have it work on both because that would make your site hog two java slots on the server. Do you want me to have Krydos switch you to https for Java?
  6. Wordpress is well known for severe security issues and is laughably easy to compromise, especially because it's usually not kept updated, and because it's extensions are usually also full of holes. We recommend not using WP for these and many other reasons. It's a leading cause of hacked sites, high load suspensions, spam suspensions, and phishing bans here at heliohost. Finding another CMS is your best option. If you really want to keep WP, delete your installation, reinstall using updated components, don't use dubious themes and extensions from random websites (many are actually disguised backwoods) and make sure you keep it updated going forward, Otherwise this issue is just going to come back. Also, that leafmailer is a spambot (we usually ban accounts that have it, please get rid of that ASAP or you'll lose your account).
  7. You can't. Johnny doesn't support asp.net. ASP.NET is only offered on tommy.
  8. Nope, it was for offering the content without proper licensing. If you have a license to distribute this content (and we know you don't, such a license can cost millions and if you had money for a license, you'd also be paying a commercial hosting company to effectively use it) please provide the documentation for it. Otherwise, what you're doing is a violation of copyright law.
  9. Causing high server load. 370% more cpu than #2, and 118% more memory than #2. You're suspended for SEVERE high server load, likely caused by Wordpress. We highly recommend not using Wordpress because it's very poorly coded and notorious for causing high load. Your Wordpress install basically caused tommy to go down. There are so many better CMSes out there anyway...just about anything else is better than Wordpress. I'll let Krydos decide how he wants to handle this. He can also confirm that it was WP that caused it.
  10. You're suspended for copyright infringement. I'll need to look at the account further, but were you running a tv or music streaming site that offered content that you don't have a license for? That or software piracy are the usual reasons for this suspension...
  11. Try resetting the password first. https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/resetpass?start=1
  12. I'm assuming you're saini832... Johnny doesn't support ASP.NET, so you can't. Tommy is the only server that currently supports ASP.NET. You need to move to Tommy in order to do this. You can either delete your account and try to sign up at midnight for free (registrations for Tommy usually fill in seconds), or donate and we can move you.
  13. Unblocked. You didn't do anything wrong to cause this. Our firewall is just hypersensitive right now due to ontheongoing ddos attack.
  14. It's probably your ISP that's caching the old DNS then. I see an empty directory listing, so it's definitely working correctly. In some areas, it can take a few hours for the cached records to expire. I'd suggest waiting a few hours then try again.
  15. OK. You've been moved to Tommy, but now need to remove CloudFlare before it will work. The DNS records CloudFlare has are no longer accurate since moving servers causes the IP address of the server to change. Once you change your domain's name servers back to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org, your website will start working again. Once you have it working without CloudFlare, you should delete your CloudFlare configuration then set up CloudFlare again.
  16. Done. Please clear your cache and flush your DNS if you see a 404 error or queued page. Thank you for the donation.
  17. That one's my fault. I missed it among the other responses in that topic. Moving now...
  18. Unblocked. That one wasn't caused by anything you did. It's because our firewall is hypersensitive right now due to the ongoing DoS attack on Johnny.
  19. It sounds like either mono broke, or you lost it due to a suspension. Let's have Krydos look at it. He may need to enable it again for you.
  20. Krydos hasn't been around too much lately and we've been busy with other more important issues (the DDoS attack on Johnny, an excessive number of phishing sites signing up, our real lives since we're volunteer, etc.) Sorry about the wait.
  21. It's just been overlooked since we've had bigger phish to fry lately (cleaning up phishing and dealing with the DDoS attack on Johnny has been our focus lately). Lets see if Krydos can look at this when he gets a chance.
  22. We no longer deploy wars manually. You should do this yourself using the Java option in cPanel. Please note that if you have not requested Java (or are still in line for it), you won't see the option to deploy a war file.
  23. Johnny is down due to a DDoS attack. There is no estimate as to when it will end, so we have no idea when the server will be back online. As for being on Johnny, the only way you end up there is if you signed up for that server or asked to be moved there.
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