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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. I've technically been here 10 years, but have only active for 8 of them (I joined in 2009 originally, but my account expired from inactivity and I didn't return until 2011). I became a moderator in 2013, an admin sometime in 2015 or 2016 (I forget), and a root admin in 2018. You can PM me on the forums if you want to reach me privately. You can do that by pointing at my username and clicking Send Message.
  2. WordPress gets hacked due to backdoors, malware, and poor coding, not lack of security features. It's primarily the extensions and themes that are the issue with it. Many of the free themes and extensions have malware built in. I've seen far too many WordPress sites in my 8 years with HelioHost that started sending spam or hosting phishing due to WordPress, and it always ends with the user getting a new account. And yes, if you get a lot of traffic, I would recommend CloudFlare to help with it.
  3. WordPress tends to get hacked very easily, so we don't recommend it. If you a proper content manager, we recommend Joomla instead. It's more secure and provides most of the same features. Plain HTML is the most secure but least functional choice. If you use regular HTML, you will probably want to use a template or a desktop program like Dreamweaver to make your website.
  4. Sorry about that. It suspended itself again for inactivity. I've been unsuspended rot8 and renewed it for you. Give it a few minutes and it should work as well.
  5. Thank you. The accounts rot2, rot4, and rot5 have been unsuspended and should be available shortly. If your friends are unable to sign in, please have them clear their cache and/or reset their password. We hope you enjoy our services, please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with
  6. The 2FA has been removed from rot1. Please try signing in now. In order to unsuspend the other accounts, we usually require a scan/photo of government IDs be submitted for each additional account to verify that there are actually several people using these accounts. We require a different person for each account, so for four additional accounts, I need to see the IDs of 4 different people. Each user should submit their ID using their own forum account so we can track whose account belongs to who (please PM the ID photos to me to keep them private, once verified we'll let you know and you can delete the pictures).
  7. That account is not suspended. If you see a suspended page please clear your cache. If that's not the issue, what exactly do you need help with? Do you need your 2FA removed?
  8. Unblocked. It was for failed IMAP logins, so you have mail client somewhere that has the wrong password saved in it.
  9. Krydos never posted the finished message, and it's been almost 24 hours...it likely failed. Accounts usually don't take more than an hour to unarchive even when the server is slow. Let's have him look at it again. I don't want to unarchive it again if it's somehow still running because it'll just cause a mess.
  10. Your trial is now a normal Tommy account and will no longer expire. Please be sure to log into cPanel via https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083/ (with nothing after the slash) or https://heliohost.org/login/ at least once per month to avoid inactivity suspensions. As long as you do this, you can keep the account as long as you wish. If you forget to sign in, you can renew your account from the inactivity page, or let us know and we can renew it for you. Thank you for the donation
  11. That's possible. When we troubleshoot internal server errors, the first thing we do is rename .htaccess files and check the file permissions. I did both at once and didn't check the two causes individually, so it's possible the htaccess file is not an issue at all. If it works with the Joomla code in it, then you're good.
  12. The source is usually the same for both versions. It's how its compiled that determines the platform. Honestly though, for testing the 32-bit version should work fine. The bigger issue is that nobody has actually fixed the bugs in the code for Windows (hence the App Data issue) since nobody uses Mono on Windows, so the odds of it compiling successfully on Windows are probably close to nil, let alone building from source actually working. The Windows builds for the actual server that I've seen online were actually built targeting Windows using a Linux box. If you don't know advanced coding, you likely won't be able to get this working. They're throwing errors because probably due to a path issue somewhere in your configs. You have to remember that Mono and Apache have different document roots and ports. For example, Apache and Mono need to both understand that a request for "localhost/aspxapp/test.aspx" is actually "localhost:2000/test.aspx" The easiest way to go about this is probably to cut out Apache entirely and just do the ASPX coding on Mono's server directly. A well-written program shouldn't need both anyway since it should all be in one language. You said you had to do ASPX for a specific reason, so I'd just use Mono for that purpose and leave everything else (PHP, etc.) separate. It will solve all of your issues except the App Data folder (which may or may not be an issue anyway, beyond the log errors). I ended up doing this when building our IIS server. It was supposed to be IIS behind Apache, but the Apache part caused so many issues it was determined to not be worth it and IIS is now just directly exposed online. Users who deal with Java have similar problems behind Apache, though for different reasons. I seriously don't recommend using Apache as a wrapper for other servers if it can be avoided.
  13. You'd have to build it from source, which on Windows is often not easy. Linux is usually an easier platform for building stuff on because all the requirements are conveniently available as packages. Windows means running around and installing tons of random stuff and knowing how to configure it. If you're lucky, some programs will build in msys2 (Linux compatibility environment) which makes it a little easier. Windows 10 also has WSL, but that's cheating (it's just a Ubuntu Linux VM running in the background with a seamless UI). I can't find the answer for the app data folder. I suspect it may be built into the code that way and nobody ever bothered to update the code for modern windows. Back in the day, Mono sometimes found on Windows XP for testing because full ASP.NET wasn't available in workstation OSes (even though IIS was in XP Pro). With IIS 7 and newer (Vista and up), full ASP.NET is available on all non-Home OSes...which basically eliminated its use case for Windows.
  14. More than likely mod_mono isn't passing something to Mono correctly, so a bug. I sometimes have the same issue when dealing with pass thru on IIS for things like Ruby on Rails. Starting the second server manually usually fixes it.
  15. Tommy port is definitely 1342. If it says 1312, it's a typo on our part. We also support vanilla unencrypted ("plain") FTP on port 21. Some users have better experiences using that instead. Just be aware it's insecure. As for the 404 error, there's a ton of problems. First, your .htaccess file in public_html is preventing that from being accessible. Second, you forgot to change the file permissions. I've renamed the .htaccess in public_html to disable it and fixed the permissions on the emoticons folder and emot_box.php for you. You need to change your PHP files to 644, and all folders inside of public_html need to be 755. Once you do that, your scripts should work. I would also recommend figuring out what's wrong with that .htaccess file.
  16. Unsuspended. There’s nothing more you need to do at the moment, just use your account normally.
  17. Alright, I've moved you to Tommy. Your trial is good until Wednesday Jan 16, 2019. Please let us know what you think by then. If you decide to donate, please do so and post the transaction ID here. If you decide not to, your account will be suspended at the end of your trial. If you see a 404 error or suspended/queued page, please clear your browser cache and flush your OS DNS resolver cache.
  18. What is your new email address? Once you provide a new email address, I'll update your account and unsuspend you.
  19. Can you explain what this account is being used for? The scripts on the account look very similar to those used by several social media like bots, and our automated systems also suspect phishing. Both likebots and phishing are forbidden here. Also, please provide a different email address. Your current email provider is banned for abuse.
  20. We don't really support composer. Our general recommendation for composer stuff is to install it and run all the commands on your own PC, then upload the resulting files. It works just fine and doesn't require we install it or run anything on our servers that way.
  21. You're on the wrong server if you're trying to run a production-grade website. Tommy is the server for production websites that need pages that always load and load quickly (in seconds). The other two servers are significantly slower. Ricky can be very slow at times as you're seeing due to age (12 year old server) and crowding, and Johnny's uptime is terrible since he's an overloaded test server (not for production use). Getting a free account on Tommy is nearly impossible due to demand and we generally require donations to get an account outside the free signup window, but if you want, I'd be happy to move your account and offer you a trial for 2 - 3 days before you donate to be sure he meets your needs. If you're not happy, we'll just cancel your account after that time instead. Would you like to try?
  22. You're aware we run PHP as CGI here right? The module method for running PHP in Apache has not been recommended since 5.4 came out. Web servers that aren't Apache don't support anything but CGI, and CGI is recommended for Apache as well. As for getting PHP working on IIS, it's just an MSI you run to install the missing component. The issue is that component's official installer doesn't like the 10.0 version number of all things...so someone made an installer that doesn't check. The Application Data folder access denied message is normal and by design. It's part of Windows legacy support. Some old 2000/XP era programs hard coded the Application Data folder's path, but Windows Vista and up don't use the same profile folder structure as XP...these "dummy" folders exist so the compatibility of these programs isn't affected (they are aliases to %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming or %UserProfile%\AppData\Local, and the access is intentionally denied to avoid an infinite loop when running directory listings since they point to their own parent folder...). You need to find out how to change Mono's appdata folder (there's probably a setting somewhere) and point it to a folder that actually exists and it has permission to access.
  23. No idea on if the Hosts file works with IIS or not. I've never used it in that manner. IIS does have an equivalent of virtual hosts (different domains with different doc roots) though. I have no idea on Python/Perl CGI, but PHP 7 will definitely run and MySQL is server-agnostic (it doesn't care what web server is running the PHP that talks to it). Installing PHP is a pain though because WPI is broken and you have to hunt down and manually install a component that always fails to get everything working. If you really wanted, you could just run Apache on port 80 and ASP.NET on port 8080 through IIS, or since you have Mono working, just run that on 8080 and access it directly. In my experience, ASP.NET doesn't work well behind Apache anyway (I had to expose IIS directly on Lily for this exact reason. I couldn't get it working behind an Apache proxy). Are the domains you're using real domains? Are they live now? If they're real and not already hosted here, you could test this stuff on Lily if you wanted. She runs IIS+PHP+ASP.NET+MariaDB. (Yes, we have an IIS server, we just don't advertise it). If they're not real, you could try the hosts file method to point them to Lily's IP, but no guarantee they'll work.
  24. There's almost no reason to ever be using hard coded paths in software...I would start by fixing that issue. For example PHP gives a convenient way to get the folder containing the running script automatically, no hard-coded path needed. $scriptdir = dirname(__FILE__); A lot of time these variables will be initialized in a file that lives in your program's main folder alongside index.php. From there you can walk all the subfolders and even get the parent folder using dirname() or defined folder names: $images_folder = $scriptdir.'/images'; $parent_folder = dirname($scriptdir);With that fixed, the server being used no longer matters. Assuming you patch out the absolute paths, your software should run with few or no issues on IIS. I wrote most of the systems I'm running on Xampp (Apache)...many of them are now on IIS with zero issues. Of every program I wrote, I can think of exactly one that requires a hard coded absolute path, and it's because the alternative (enabling allow_url_include) is a massive security risk. TL;DR: Fix your code instead of trying to make a non-standard configuration work.
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