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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. If you delete your account, yes it will delete your data. I'm not sure why this isn't working honestly...the DNS records most definitely exist when I check in WHM, yet I get an NXDOMAIN error when I try to resolve the domain. I'll let Krydos look at this for you.
  2. Have you tried resetting it here? https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/resetpass?start=1 Also, I just realized your account was still suspended in one of the two systems for some reason and didn't fully unsuspend. Try resetting it again and see if it works now.
  3. Your domain's DNS records went missing for some reason. I recreated them but it still doesn't seem to work on my end...lets give it an hour or so and see if they propagate.
  4. Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server. If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache. If you need help figuring out why your site is causing such high load let us know and we can try to help. If the high load is simply because your site is getting a lot of traffic you might consider trying paid hosting from our partner starting at only a cent for the first month. https://www.heliohost.org/partners/hostgator
  5. Oh, it archived itself again...my network dropped while this one was restoring. I was able to find the cPanel restore in a new SSH, but had to manually finish the final steps once that finished that I think the unarchive script was supposed to do (ACP update and unsuspend). I forgot to change the date to today.
  6. Done. You can now log in and the domains will work within 2 hours. I'll leave this unsolved so Krydos follows up on how he plans to handle the space increases for GoFundMe donors.
  7. Krydos will add the extra space since I don't have any way of verifying the donations on the GoFundMe. Last time around, this got done all at once at the end of the fundraiser, but that was because we actually needed the hardware we were raising the money for in order to have the space to give. He'll be able to assist with that part... Also, you're actually on Ricky. I'll unarchive you now...
  8. You're suspended because Wordpress has malware (common issue, WP sucks from a security standpoint) and your account was responsible for sending spam (probably the wordpress malware's fault). You also have two accounts (ebad and engrebad), and currently are in compliance with our Terms of Service only because engrebad is suspended for malware. You cannot have two active accounts at the same time. Which of the two accounts you want to keep? If you want the infected one back, I'll block the infected WP installation from access, unsuspend it so you can clean it up, and suspend the currently active ebad account instead.
  9. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should start working within 2 hours.
  10. Well of course I can definitely host oddball things on it for others, but I'd have to set things up manually for each person due to the lack of a user interface, which is why it's not promoted.
  11. It's archived because you haven't used it in nearly a year. You have to log in once every 30 days to keep it from going inactive and archiving itself. Unarchiving...
  12. Lily can be used alongside Tommy (in fact it has to be, you need an account on a cPanel server so the DNS entries can go somewhere). It actually works fine, the problem is there's no way for non-admins to actually control it at the moment. Here's a WordPress website that's currently hosted on Lily: http://www.acmine.net/ If you had an ASP.NET app that you needed to run that won't work on Mono, it's completely possible for me to host it there for you, but I'd have to set it up for you. The only access a regular user has is to upload files by FTP and edit their MySQL databases (Lily has MariaDB on it). I can also run RoR, Node.js, and random ad-hoc stuff on there (the Minecraft server for the above website is living on it right now). Eventually there's going to be an SSH-based menu system that gives you a few options like changing your password and adding domains, but I haven't spent much time on it lately due to lack of demand.
  13. Done. You should now be able to log in, however your main domain does not function because the domain isn't registered.
  14. Yes he needs to remove his own. Also, I just suspended him for distributing warez (his "Software" menu linked to "news" articles on his site about various paid programs, each of which contain download links pointed to a site known for distributing pirated software...). If he wants his account unsuspended, the pirated software and the fraudulent fundraiser both need to go.
  15. @Sohamb03: If you want to promote us now, please promote this fundraiser: https://www.gofundme.com/sparkie-server
  16. Probably nothing new in terms of features (except the stuff added in newer cP builds). Everything will be updated if rebuilt though. There's no way to install old versions of cPanel.
  17. The plan is to use it as a new home for Johnny when he gets rebuilt again, so yes. The old Johnny hardware will be used to rebuild Ricky. Tommy will get rebuilt in place (stay where he is). We don't know what the old Ricky hardware (Stevie) will be used for yet, probably either this forum and our website, or VPSes. Now, all of it's subject to change, but this is the early concept of what we plan to do.
  18. Any form of fake bank website earns the account containing it a permanent ban regardless of intent or behavior. We have no way of what it was being used for, and the large majority of the ones we see are actually phishing. If you want, I'll gladly send you an invite for a new account, but you cannot get your old one or it's contents back.
  19. Krydos will need to do this since I can't verify go fund me donations. He'll probably need some sort of identifier as well. Let's see what he says.
  20. It exists, it just can't see really stand alone because its feature-incomplete, so we never finished it. Most notably, we never developed the plugin for cpanel needed to connect it to Tommy (It needs a tommy account alongside it to make it useful). It also has zero user interface, and has security limitations that make doing a lot of the things you need to do to actually set up IIS applications impossible without having admin rights. IIS doesn't cater to a multiuser environment very well. The server itself does exist, though it's being used as a VPS. http://lily.heliohost.org/
  21. You get no UI at all if you go for the standard Linux VPS, it's all command line. If you do Windows, you'll get Remote Desktop instead, so easie to use, but the windows server license is not included (it comes with a 180 day trial, but once that's up, the license is not cheap at around $700).
  22. That’s usually an indication that tomcat died or hung. 502 bad gateway basically means “Apache passed a request to something else that should fulfill it, but that thing isn’t returning a useful response for Apache to pass back to the user”
  23. He only insists on starting it himself because he doesn't want random people having access to the money, which is completely understandable, and I agree with him on that. We are planning a fundraiser that you're more than welcome to promote, but we haven't quite finished planning it yet. Around here, things tend to move quite slowly, so don't expect things to happen overnight. Several weeks to several months is a better timeline to expect. @flazepe: That's Krydos.
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