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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. @Sohamb03: More likely it was due to line endings. The server is very picky about them, if you use Windows line endings it just doesn't work. New accounts will never generate 500 errors just because they're new. If it's due to incomplete setup, it'll be either queued or on rare occasion a 403 or 404 error (happens when Apache and DNS are ready to go, but public_html is inaccessible or doesn't exist).
  2. It's being blocked repeatedly because you have a mail client somewhere that keeps trying to send mail with the wrong credentials. Please disable or correct the credentials in ALL of your mail clients (software, phones, etc.) and this won't happen. Unblocked again.
  3. i’ll have to set this up when I get a moment.
  4. The IP you posted from is not blocked and your account is not suspended. Is there another IP you need checked?
  5. Wouldn't be Johnny if he weren't slow... Escalating to have the monitor fixed.
  6. Done. Give it a few hours to start working again.
  7. Monitor script is broken on Johnny. Admin tools show it down as well, but it definitely does work...
  8. He probably just needs reset his password for the helionet issue. As for the account, it was suspended for sending too many emails. The limit is 50/day. Please keep the number of emails under this limit. Unsuspended.
  9. He stopped posting because I threatened to ban him if he didn’t stop posting and wait (he sent me PMs trying to rush me to do this along side the five different topics he opened and posted in every five minutes). I’ve been at work all day so I couldn’t do it ...
  10. It will be unarchived when one of us is at a computer to do so. I can’t because I’m on my phone at my job. Heliohost is NOT my job, Also, do not ask again about this account, it will be done when we can. Being impatient will not be tolerated. If I see you start another topic or PM anyone (including me) about this account while you’re waiting, you will receive a permanent ban for harassing staff instead of an unarchive.
  11. That account cannot be unarchived because you already have another account. Users are limited to one account. If you would like to restore bharatp, the account bharat0 needs to be deleted first. If you would like the contents of that account sent to you, please let me know and a link to the archive can be sent to the email address on file for the archived account.
  12. Please post the actual domain that doesn't work so we can assist you. The most common cause though is that people don't realize they actually need to register the domain. You need to actually go to eu.org and register it. Once you do that, use their website to set the name servers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org. Note that they can take several hours or longer to update once you set them. Entering a domain on our site during signup does not automatically register the domain, it only tells our system which account to look at for the content. The only domains that will work without the above steps are subdomains of heliohost.org.
  13. Nope. Only the main cPanel account will work on SFTP. Any FTP user created in cPanel must use unencrypted FTP on port 21. You're not blocked on my end, so I'm not sure why you're getting a block message either...perhaps someone already unblocked you?
  14. Done. It should start working shortly (as soon as Apache finishes restarting).
  15. Are you a VPS user? If so you should have root access to your own VM. If you're on our shared plans, this is done through cPanel: https://wiki.helionet.org/Installing_an_SSL_Certificate_with_ZeroSSL (The guide was written using Tommy as an example, but the procedure is the same on all servers). Automatic renewal of Let's Encrypt certificates is not supported on our shared plans. If you need self-renewing SSL, you should move to Tommy or Ricky where we offer AutoSSL. AutoSSL automatically generates, renews, and installs a valid SSL certificate for you. It uses Comodo as a certificate source instead of LE because of LE's extremely low weekly limits, but is otherwise functionally identical to a private server using an Acme client with LE.
  16. Please try signing in here: https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/ instead of using our website. If that doesn't work, rest your password here and try again: https://johnny.heliohost.org:2083/resetpass?start=1
  17. The domain script doesn't work for Johnny users, and heliohost.org subdomains have to be your primary domain unless an admin creates it for you. I'll manually change this when I get a moment.
  18. Perfect. Your account has been unsuspended. Give it an hour or two for the domain to start working and you're good to go I apologize for the inconvenience.
  19. It's suspended because we just need a little more information. What do you plan to host on your account?
  20. This is by design to help keep load low and cannot be disabled. Properly written code should not need a lot of connections anyway. The limit is 6 for Tommy and 3 for the other servers, per user. If your code is well-written, it will open and use the same connection for the duration of its run, and close the connection as soon as it's done with it, so you shouldn't ever hit this limit because the connections only exist for a fraction of a second while the script runs.
  21. I'm not sure what software you're running (though I'll commend you for not using Wordpress ). Please fix this issue quickly since it impacts others on the server. Unsuspended.
  22. Both of those are extremely bloated and slow. The main difference between those two, is that Drupal is more secure than WP and less likely to get hacked. Joomla is an alternative that isn't too bad, but it's still quite a bit slower than some of the bare-bones CMSes like Anchor that run quite well. The issue with these is that they need tons of resources and time to generate pages. A lot of the errors you see with these programs are because the scripts time out. We have a cap on execution time to help keep it fair for everyone, and the servers we have are not that fast.
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