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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. When you say broken, what error are you getting? Are you getting NDR emails? If so, what's the error (it's probably something about it being scheduled to retry because the server didn't respond, but might be "no such user" as well). Also, silly question, but did you verify the mailboxes exist? Ricky's mail server is struggling under load though, so that's not terribly surprising even if configured correctly. Mail is being refused or not being delivered promptly. I received a few emails Ricky sent to me about 8 hours after they were sent...it's just really backed up on both sides. My suggestion for now would be to host that email elsewhere if possible until Tommy is back.
  2. That's...weird. When I look up the MX for your domain, it resolves to Ricky, so they're definitely not set even if the system thinks they are. Can you try deleting the records and creating them again?
  3. The first error is because NS1 is still broken. The second error could be a number of things. First, make sure your PHP files are set to permissions of 644. Second, rename any .htaccess files you may have. Third, it might just be load.
  4. Adding the domain in cPanel should fix that error. The DNS entries are always missing until you add the domain. You can just omit NS1 entirely until its fixed if you can't get rid of that error though. That NS is still not working right it seems. Also, the domain cesarmanara.com has been cleaned up.
  5. Posts removed for being offensive. While snowm's tone is a bit upsetting, making comments such as the ones removed are also uncalled for. It's a perfectly legitimate question to ask, though the "I don't want to lose more money over this" is pushing it and almost earned him a warning too.
  6. I don't see Google Apps set up anywhere: > set type=mx > infantex.com.mx ns1.heliohost.org Server: ns1.heliohost.org Address: infantex.com.mx MX preference = 0, mail exchanger = infantex.com.mx infantex.com.mx nameserver = ns2.heliohost.org infantex.com.mx nameserver = ns1.heliohost.org infantex.com.mx internet address = ns1.heliohost.org internet address = ns2.heliohost.org internet address = The system appears to be configured to use Ricky as the mail exchanger, which would explain why Google mailboxes can't be found. Check your DNS entries for Google Apps. They were probably lost during the server move (a bunch of custom DNS got lost on my account as well, all got replaced with Ricky's IP...)
  7. NS2 is the only one working to capacity at the moment. NS1 is on tommy. It should have been working as of yesterday, but I've come across several zones now that are still missing from NS1...
  8. The domains bonnage.ml and wooldridge.ml have been cleaned up. Try adding them now (if they're already added, remove them, then add them again). The domain fluggs.tk was not cleaned up because it works. Do you really need this one cleaned up?
  9. Yep, just a single % is all that's needed in that field. Try giving that a shot.
  10. Invite sent for the Ricky account (I know you had a Tommy account because that email has a backup available for a Tommy account...) Do you have the donation transaction IDs for the space/inactivity? Please create the account with the invite, then post the transactions and I'll add the space and inactivity back to it.
  11. It's possible. Ricky also is more sensitive to resources than Tommy, mostly because there's fewer resources to go around. Tommy's hardware is from 2011/2012. Ricky's hardware is from 2005. Moving to Ricky from Tommy is a major step backwards from a performance standpoint. Our load limits are dynamic, and when the server is being beat on like Ricky is, the system has a lower tolerance for load before suspending you. If everyone else was idle (which of course is never the case), you could theoretically use the entire server without getting suspended. However, when there's 1000s of other sites trying to use those same resources, outliers who are overusing (compared to other users) are more likely to end up suspended.
  12. Whatever that script is, it's using too many resources. Please fix or remove it. Unsuspended. It should start working again in a few minutes.
  13. Pretty much was sohamb03 said...that account got lost in a server crash. You will need to download the backup and set up a new account.
  14. Did you put an IP or a % sign? Put an % sign as the IP and test just to be sure it's not the server. If you have a % sign in there already and it still won't connect, let us know. Odds are though that if it's not permissions, it's probably due to overloading (MySQL seems to be down a lot on Ricky...I've been getting tons of database errors on my website and applications).
  15. Change your name servers to NS1.heliohost.org and NS2.heliohost.org (you'll do this at your registrar, which appears to be godaddy), then add the domain to your account on the Aliases page in cPanel.
  16. That's only half of what's needed to set it up. That's the registrar end, which you did correctly. On our end, you have to add the domain to your account so the server knows who it belongs to. (On your old account, I think you used it as your main domain, so you unknowingly did this step as part of signing up and it just worked). Byron did it for you already, but normally you would add the domain on the aliases or addon domain page in cpanel. The domain pcbsunbirdcondo.com is working now.
  17. The archive lavieboo.tar.gz in your backup contains the files. You can open it using 7-zip on your PC. I can't check the donation where I am at the moment.
  18. The account Fjmduran does not exist on Johnny. What's your new account's username?
  19. What domain needs to be cleaned up?
  20. The email has been resent to the address on file (which matched the one above). It should arrive from a gmail account with the subject "HelioHost Tommy Backup"
  21. Done. You should now be able to log in and your website should start working within 2 hours.
  22. As part of our resource management strategy, processes like PHP have a time limit after which the server kills them (this isn't PHP's max_execution_time, it's a server script that kills processes due to existing too long). If I had to guess, the PHP processes are starting but due to overloading are blocked on CPU/disk/RAM. As a result, they start and immediately idle, basically standing in line to get their resources...then run out of time and get killed by the script before they reach the front of the line and do their work. Their entire existence (starting, waiting, working, outputting, exiting) must take less than the time limit or they will die without finishing. Apache starts them, then sees them inexplicably go away and throws a 500 error.
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