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Found 3 results

  1. Good day, admins! I am writing to respectfully inquire regarding my account being suspended for 'high load' today. I was about to continue working on a website I recently requested to be added under my account. Upon visiting my website domain, I was greeted with a notice of suspension due to aforementioned reason. This was my first time around encountering this issue, and I would like to know how I exceeded my daily limit as per ToS usage limit policy, so I may know how to control my server load in the future. Here are the details of my HelioHost account for you to check on: Username: TheDannified Server: Tommy Main Domain: thedannified.helioho.st I look forward to hearing from you at your most convenient time. Thank you!
  2. Have you ever thought that WordPress is slow? Have you ever been suspended for causing high load because of WordPress? Did you think that other CMSs like Joomla and Drupal have an outdated dashboard and/or are overwhelming for beginners? Then look no further. Publii is an AMAZING FREE static site CMS. Static sites can load WAYY faster than sites coded with an admin page (using PHP for example). Faster websites increases SEO, user engagement, and so much more. Unlike other static site generators or the simply static WordPress plugin, you can actually edit and update your site(s) with a simple to use, user friendly admin page (instead of having to manually code your website). It has an easy to use, beginner friendly user interface. Yet with customization features good for people with experience with code. After all this CMS generates static files that you can easily edit through the cPanel interface (or your favorite code editor) if you want more customization. To get started, go to Publii and just download their app. Then install the app on your computer. Done, it is that easy to setup. To create your first website, you need to click on add a new website. When you add a new website it will tell you to choose a name, symbol and author name. Then click add. Before you start anything, I recommend that you choose a theme. To choose a theme, go to this website: Themes and Plugins and download your preferred theme. Then go to the Publii dashboard and click on the three dots on the upper right hand corner. Select themes, click on install themes and select the zip file you downloaded. When you are finished, you can start creating your website. You can create your website in multiple different ways. If you have an existing (or backed up) WordPress installation, you can easily upload the website using the WordPress importer. If not, you can easily create your first post either using a WYSIWYG editor (kind of like the WordPress classic editor), block editor (pretty much identical as the WordPress Gutenberg editor), or Markdown editor (for the tech savvy people to code a page). When you finish writing your posts/pages (they are called the same thing), you can explore and play around with everything since the website hasn't been published yet. For example: tags, menus, authors, theme settings, site settings, backups, custom CSS, custom html, File Manger (not for existing files but to upload a new file), Log viewer, Regenerate Thumbnails, AMP (accelerated mobile pages), WordPress Importer(etc.). Now you just need to connect to a server so your website can be public. You can either choose to publish your website on cPanel or using GitHub Pages, whichever one you choose. To do that, click on Server in the side menu and choose your method of publishing. You can either upload using ftp (here you enter your site URL and ftp server, username, and password), using GitHub Pages, or manually uploading the files (not recommended as you will need to upload a fresh copy every time you edit your website). To publish your changes just click on sync your website and it will automatically upload a fresh copy of your website and rewrite the old copy of your website. Voila, you have just created a FAST and SECURE static site. Pictures of the Dashboard:
  3. Hello, today I got suspended (got unsuspended later heliohost username is painless) for high load spikes caused by my website. I would like to know what caused my website to load spike tommy.
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