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Chief Risk Officer
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Everything posted by wolstech

  1. What do you want your main domain on Lily to be (it can be, but doesn't have to be, the same as on Tommy)? FInally, keep in mind that Lily is a very experimental server with limited functionality and no user interface or control panel, so I'll need to set up a lot of things for you. The only interface it comes with is a web interface for the database server and FTP for file uploads. I have to manually add things like domains for you.
  2. To change an account’s username, you have to delete your account and sign up again. If you would like to do this, please delete your account, then let us know so we can send you an invite for a replacement.
  3. GMX is notorious for this. The issue seems to be on and off, but when they decide to block us like this, they usually just start discarding all email from us for some reason. Easiest solution is to use a different email provider.
  4. It’s actually both...if more than one person donated the same amount, the order in which they go is random.
  5. Created. You just need to upload content to ~/public_html/tpltrl like last time.
  6. Try a different internet connection (like a cell phone data plan). Odds are your ISP cached something they shouldn’t have...
  7. Something's broken on Ricky most likely. We had a few accounts do this the other day and it cleared up on its own. Krydos can take a look at it, but I won't be surprised if it clears up before he sees it. I currently see an inactive message myself, but the account is not suspended or inactive.
  8. The invites are being sent in order from largest donor to smallest donor, with free users last. Last I heard, the accounts being moved/invited were donors who've made ~$100 in contributions, so we're just getting started. It will take several weeks for all users who previously had a Tommy account to receive their invite, because we have to spread out the creation of the new accounts to avoid overloading.
  9. Yes. Also, if your old Tommy account's email address is assigned to a Ricky or Johnny account currently, that account will eventually move itself to Tommy instead of an invite being sent.
  10. Correct. The DNS records for all the dead Tommy accounts were cleaned up last week. In order to recreate the DNS zone, you need to have an account. If you're using an external mail service, it doesn't really matter which server the account is on, simply having an account will create the DNS zone and let you edit the MX records. If you use us as your mail provider, you will probably want to wait for Tommy specifically for best performance.
  11. Think about it...have you ever tried paying for something from Amazon, iTunes, or Google Play with a check? Good luck with that. The large majority of online companies these days won't accept any form of check. We're no different. I'm surprised they would ask for name and address just to purchase a visa gift card...here in the USA, it's not required to buy it or to use it in person. It's needed to use it online though, and there's directions in the package to register if you wish to use it that way. It's a payment industry standard called AVS that makes this necessary. It's not the retailer or the gift card company requiring this, it's part of the payment card industry standards that all card issuers and processors follow. As for the terms, you can view the terms of all the major Visa cards online if you want to read before buying. The website should be on the back of the package. I work at a large home improvement store that sells them, and have used my phone to look up the terms for customers who asked about the fees. Another option: Use a site that trades non-Visa gift cards for bitcoin and donate the bitcoin. These sites accept major store cards like Amazon and Walmart gift cards and pay bitcoin to a wallet you pick. You can just put our wallet as the recipient and we'll get the value of the gift card (minus fees) as a donation. Google found paxful.com as an example, but I've never personally used them so can't recommend that site specifically. The only donation I've ever had to fully refuse was Rupay (debit card system used almost exclusively in India). Finding an online service that takes Rupay is difficult, and the donor's local merchants didn't sell gift cards.
  12. wolstech

    Tommy Is Back!

    If you don't have a Ricky account, you'll be sent an invite to sign up again (since there's nothing to transfer). You can pick the same username and password as before if you wish. If you do have a Ricky account, it will just be moved to Tommy as-is. It will keep the username/domain/password you picked when you created it on Ricky. You can change the domain and password easily, but to change the username, you would need to delete your account and sign up again.
  13. @Krydos He still needs a dedicated IP address.
  14. 1. The domains specified have been cleaned up and parked. (This a big pain to do now...apparently the newest WHM now checks the name servers like the user side does...I had to turn off the name server check entirely, park these, then turn it back on. In the old versions I can just park them without it caring.) 2. Krydos has to do that. I'm missing mine as well... 3. Space increased to 2GB and expiration pushed out by a few months.
  15. https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/36995-tommy-is-back/
  16. Manually sent. It was sent to got******@***.com, which is the address on file. The email should arrive from a gmail account.
  17. I don't have access to the bitcoin wallet, but not because it's lost. It's because that one wallet is managed as part of Bitpay, which does the BTC->USD conversion for us. Krydos is the one who has access to that service. I have access to all other wallets listed. When other currencies are sold, the resulting bitcoin gets sent into the same BTC wallet shown there. Also, it's not on the Tommy page because we didn't really plan on offering incentives for crypto donations. Many currencies by design don't have a way to track who sent the money (the most you get is a transaction ID showing money was sent to us), so it poses issues with things like tracking which users already have accounts, which are recurring payments for specific accounts, etc.
  18. I can't check at the moment, but if I had to guess, you made the mistake of using wordpress. It's notorious for being bloated and terribly coded, and is a leading cause of high load suspension here at Heliohost. As always, we recommend not using Wordpress for this and many other reasons. Please fix the issue quickly. Unsuspended.
  19. I've banned you 4 times in the last several months, all for running fake freight or trade company websites. You're no longer welcome here.
  20. Did you edit the scripts to make sure the database name, username, and password are correct? Odds are the database name and username have changed, especially if you didn't reuse your old account's username. The connect functions for mysql return false when they fail, which would result in you trying to perform queries on false instead of on a connection handle.
  21. You're suspended for sending too many emails. The limit is 50 per day. Please disable whatever is sending your mail. If you get suspended for a third time for this, you might not get unsuspended. Unsuspended.
  22. We deleted all the tommy accounts as sohamb03 said. We can’t unsuspend it because it no longer exists. The server rebuild is almost finished, so I’d expect you’ll be able to recreate your account in the next week or so.
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